Angelfish & Dwarf Angelfish
More angelic in name than behaviour, these fish are divided into two main groups – Dwarf angels are smaller and tend Read More
More angelic in name than behaviour, these fish are divided into two main groups – Dwarf angels are smaller and tend to be more suitable for life in a reef aquarium, whereas the larger angels are more suited to a fish only system, or alongside corals which they don’t regard as food.
Both groups have big characters and can be inclined to throw their weight around, with large angels typically dominating any fish community they inhabit. Juveniles often have distinct markings that enable them to live alongside territorial adults without being seen as a threat and this means that one species can display very different patterns depending on size, age, and social status. Dwarf angels are easier to house alongside members of their own species thanks to their smaller size and size-related gender. Even then, compatibility is linked to a number of factors that include introducing animals of the right size and is not for the faint of heart!
All angels tend to be browsers that forage amongst the reef for a wide range of items which include algae, sponges and sometimes corals. Dwarf angels can be tempted to nibble LPS and clam mantles but often vary amongst individuals. Large angels are capable of demolishing a range of corals but will often restrict their browsing to specific types and be compatible with species outside of this.
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