Synonyms | Holacanthus septentrionalis |
Distribution | Western Pacific |
Maximum Size | 22cm (8.7") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution; Fish only with live rock |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | May nip at some soft corals, LPS corals, zoanthids and clams. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Bluestriped Angelfish is known from coastal rocky and coral reefs, to depths of 50m (163ft), where it occurs singly and in pairs and may be observed feeding on sponges and tunicates. This species is well suited to peaceful established aquaria with plenty of living rock. Angelfish from the Chaetodontoplus genus are not seen in the trade all that regularly, and many species are highly prized amongst serious hobbyists. The Bluestriped Angelfish, as the common name suggests, sports vivid blue horizontal stripes on a yellow to tan coloured background, and these eye-catching stripes continue onto the dorsal and anal fins. The tail, pelvic, and pectoral fins are bright yellow. As the fish matures, a dark spot encircled by blue will develop at the base of each pectoral fin. Juvenile fish differ greatly from the adults. They have a darker background colour (almost black) and flaunt a yellow curved bar just behind the eye and over the gill cover; there are yellow margins to the posterior of the dorsal and anal fins, and as the blue body stripes start to develop, these may be slightly reticulated. When first introduced to the aquarium, the Bluestriped Angelfish may be a little shy. However, the more hiding places within the tank, the more likely it will be that the angelfish will feel safe enough to swim out and about in full view whilst browsing for filamentous algae and diatoms. Caution is advised when adding this species to reef aquaria, as selected invertebrates may be nipped at; success is more likely in XXL reef systems where the fish is less likely to cause such irreparable damage, although there are absolutely no guarantees. This species is better suited to a fish-only with live rock system, which has been set up to house and meet the needs of shy, peaceful fish only. Tankmates must be chosen carefully as this fish will be reluctant to feed if there is competition from boisterous or aggressive species. Keep only one Bluestriped Angelfish per tank, and not with any other angelfish. Additionally, vigilance is also advised when keeping alongside certain butterflyfish species, as larger Bluestriped Angelfish have been known to be a little antagonistic with them. Ideally, the Bluestriped Angelfish will be the last addition to the aquarium. May also be seen on sale as Blueline Angelfish.
Should be offered a varied diet including meaty fare such as vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, special sponge-based Angelfish preparations, and finely chopped krill/squid/cockle/mussel, plus Spirulina & marine algae. Feed small amounts 3 times per day.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium, although courtship behaviour has been noted in several large public aquaria. Although this species has not been bred on a commercial basis either, larvae have been captured from the wild and raised successfully in captivity.
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