Blueface Angelfish
Pomacanthus xanthometopon

Synonyms | Euxiphipops xanthometopon, Holacanthus xanthometopon |
Distribution | Indo-west-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 38cm (15") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Non-Reef; Fish only with live rock |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Not suitable - will nip at sessile invertebrates, including stony and soft corals, sponges, and clam mantles. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Blueface Angelfish is a solitary species known from coral-rich areas of channels, lagoons, and outer reef slopes, often in close proximity to caves. Juveniles tend to settle in very shallow inshore crevices with abundant algae growth, whereas the adults swim further into the open waters above the reef, feeding on sponges, tunicates, and other encrusting organisms. This angelfish is a large-growing, active species and requires a voluminous aquarium. Due to its territorial nature, it will need to be provided with plenty of live rockwork that has a multitude of visual barriers and bolt holes, as well as a roomy swimming space along the front of the tank. Keep only one specimen per tank, and not with any other angelfish. Tankmates should be equally large and belligerent - this species should never be kept with invertebrates or small, passive fish. The aquarium should be well filtered, as these fish are voracious eaters, and do provide areas of brisk current with a good level of oxygenation. In the wild, Blueface Angelfish feed on many sessile invertebrates, including sponges, tunicates, stony corals, and soft corals, so unfortunately it is not suitable for reef aquaria. We recommend that the Blueface Angelfish is the last addition to an aquarium, as otherwise it can behave somewhat pugnaciously when introducing new tankmates into what it perceives as its established domain. It is best to choose a healthy individual that is under 20cm (8"), as it will acclimatise to the aquarium much more easily; avoiding any specimens which seem disorientated or uninterested in food or their surroundings. Juvenile fish look very different to the adults: young fish display a pattern of mildly curved vertical stripes, alternating black, white, and blue. Once the fish reaches 12.5cm (5") or so, the pattern will begin to change into the adult form of lemon yellow body colour with blue scales and bright yellow pectoral fins. The face becomes mottled with bright blue (hence the common name) with a striking yellow mask over the eyes. A distinct ocellus also forms at the posterior of the dorsal fin, just above the caudal peduncle. It is important to offer a varied diet (see below) in order to retain the vivid colours and to avoid head and lateral line erosion (HLLE). May also be seen on sale as the Yellow-Mask or Yellowface Angelfish.Feeding
Should be offered a varied diet including Spirulina & marine algae as well as meaty fare. Mysis shrimp, vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, special sponge-based Angelfish preparations, and finely chopped krill/squid/cockle/mussel, should all be taken eagerly. Feed small amounts 3 times per day.Breeding
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.Copyright
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