Synonyms | Holacanthus tibicen |
Distribution | Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific |
Maximum Size | 19cm (7.5") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Fish only with live rock |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | May nip at some soft corals, LPS corals, zoanthids, and tridacnid clam mantles. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Thereis speculation that the males grow larger, and display much more of a blue hue. |
The Keyhole Angelfish is a bold, hardy species that grows considerably larger than other "dwarf" angelfish of theCentropyge genus. They are relatively uncommon in the wild, where they are typically found grazing amongst mixed coral and rubble areas of lagoons and seaward reefs at depths between 4-55 meters (13-181 feet). The Keyhole Angelfish is of an intense dark blue-black coloration with a contrasting white "keyhole" marking on the flanks. The pelvic fins are bright yellow, and this same vivid yellow color also runs along the edge of the anal fin; some specimens also have a narrow blue margin around the caudal fin. Though not quite as vibrantly coloured as many of the other dwarf angelfish species, the contrast of the blue/black and white along with the yellow accents makes it a very eye-catching addition to the home aquarium. As the Keyhole Angelfish can be rather territorial, it is best maintained in a large tank with plenty of live rockwork that has a multitude of visual barriers and bolt holes. Although juveniles are primarily plankton feeders,unfortunately, adult fish will nip at quite a range of invertebrate life (see below) so this species is not suitable for every setup. Keep only one specimen per tank, and not with any other angelfish from the Centropyge genus. We recommend that the Keyhole Angelfish is the last addition to an aquarium, as otherwise, it can behave somewhat pugnaciously when introducing new tankmates into what it perceives as its established domain. Will browse on filamentous algae and diatoms.
Offer a varied diet including spirulina & marine algae as well as meaty fare such as vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, special sponge-basedAngelfish preparations, and finely chopped krill/squid/cockle/mussel. Feedsmall amounts 3 times per day.
This egg-scattering species has not been bred in the home aquarium. Like other dwarf angelfish, Keyholes are protogynous (a form of sequential hermaphroditism where an individual is born female and can change to male) and often form harems of 3 to 7 fish in the wild.
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