Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Western and Southern Pacific |
Maximum Size | 10cm (3.9") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | If bright lighting is used, provide an abundance of shady crevices and overhangs, and ensure the illumination switches on and off in a gradual manner. |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Caution required: may nip at stony corals, Xenia, zoanthids & clam mantles. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Golden Angelfish is a cryptic species which dwells in outer reef channels and slopes, to depths of 60m (197ft). Here, this beautiful fish may be found amongst rubbly and coral-rich areas, staying close to caves and crevices that are characterised by abundant encrusting sponges. This shy species is seldom encountered by divers, and so tends to command a high price tag when it is available. It is essential that this retiring, delicate fish is placed into a spacious mature system with plenty of live rock and no aggressive tankmates if it is to do well. It should be the only angelfish present in the tank, unless a mated pair can be acquired. Ideally, the tank will be both long and wide to allow for plenty of aquascaping with living rock (ensure there is an abundance of caves, overhangs and archways) and to accommodate the growth of stony coral cover. A larger tank should also ensure that the fish is more unlikely to continually pick at any one particular sessile invertebrate and cause irreparable damage. Powerful filtration is a must, as is decent water movement /high level of oxygenation. As stated before, tankmates should be of a placid nature so as not to intimidate or outcompete the angelfish at feeding time. As the Golden Angel typically frequents dark, shady areas in deeper waters, it should be acclimatised to bright aquarium lighting very gradually. The lighting should be kept off during the acclimatisation process, with the illumination slowly and progressively increased over a period of several days to allow the fish time to adjust. This could present a problem for many species of photosynthetic coral, so you may choose to add the angelfish before too many prized corals are installed. However, it absolutely must only ever be added to a biologically established set-up, so careful planning is required. Golden Angelfish are recommended for experienced aquarists only.
Should be offered a varied diet including Spirulina & marine algae as well as meaty fare such as vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, special sponge-based Angelfish preparations, and finely chopped krill/squid/cockle/mussel. Feed small amounts 3 times per day, target feeding if necessary.
This species has not been bred in captivity. As with other dwarf angels, Golden Angelfish are protogynous hermaphrodites, a form of sequential hermaphroditism where an individual can change from female to male.
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