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Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Ben Hai River, Vietnam |
Maximum Size | 3cm (1.2") |
Temperature | 18-25°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions, as long as extremes are avoided. pH: 6.5-7.5, dH: up to 18 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature females are usually slightly larger and much rounder in the belly. Mature males appear slimmer, have longer dorsal and anal fins, and their colours will intensify when in breeding condition. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
Discovered in 2001, Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows are known from a very wide, shallow stream with fast current and sandy substrate, just a few kilometres inland from the coast in Quang Tri province.
This is an ideal species for the smaller temperate aquarium and should be maintained in groups of at least 6 specimens (10+ is better) due to their shoaling nature. This will not only make them less nervous, but it will result in a more effective, natural-looking display. A larger group makes it much more likely that you will obtain both sexes, and that will enable you to observe the fascinating sparring matches between rival males as they compete for the attention of the females. During such displays,the males will confront each other in dramatic postures with all fins spread wide; however, this is all for show and no real harm should ensue. These fish are of a peaceful nature and should only be kept with a community of other temperate fish that are of similar size and temperament. A dark sandy substrate will help to showcase the dazzling colours of these miniature cyprinids, and riverworn cobbles and dense areas of planting (robust species that can cope with a moderate current) will help them feel secure. These fish will thrive in aquaria where they are provided with good filtration/oxygenation, and areas of fast flow;indeed, an ideal set up would be that of a river style aquarium that is also home to hillstream loaches, brook loaches, Danios, and Garra species. The Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow (T. micagemmae) is fairly easy to tell apart from its close relative, the White Cloud Mountain Minnow (T.albonubes); the former having a more prominent/thicker lateral stripe underneath the lighter lateral stripe, compared to that of the latter. T. albonubes also tends to have an overall brown-red hue to the body, compared to that of T. micagemmae.
Flake, micropellets, small frozen foods such as daphnia, baby brineshrimp, mosquito larvae, and cyclops.
This egg-scattering continual spawner is easy to breed in the home aquarium. Given sufficient cover and an absence of predators, some fry will usually survive in a community type set up.If you wish to raise a larger number of fry, a separate breeding aquarium should be set up with mature water and the well-conditioned fish (ideally conditioned on live or frozen foods for a couple of weeks prior to the breeding attempt) should be acclimatised across carefully. The water should be soft and slightly acidic,with the temperature at the higher end of the preferred range. The bottom of the tank should be covered with a layer of glass marbles and clumps of Java moss or other fine leaved plants added. The tank should be very dimly lit or have no artificial lighting, and filtration/oxygenation provided by a gentle air driven sponge filter which will pose no threat to the fry. If conditions are to their liking, the fish should begin to spawn the next morning, a pair typically retreating to the plant cover and shimmying with their bodies next to one another as eggs and sperm are released simultaneously. Once spawning has ceased, the adults should be moved back to the main aquarium. The eggs should hatch within 48-72 hours, depending on water temperature. The tiny fry can be offered infusoria, moving on to baby brineshrimp (Artemia nauplii) microworms, and powdered fry foods as they grow. Under good conditions, the fry will grow quickly and will soon begin to sport an exceptionally bright blue neon line along the flanks. You should be able to carefully acclimatise the youngsters across to the main aquarium at just a few weeks of age.
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