Asian Sun Catfish
Horabagrus brachysoma

Synonyms | Macrones chryseus, Mystus chryseus, Pseudobagrus brachysoma, P. chryseus |
Distribution | Kerala, India. |
Maximum Size | 45cm (17.7") |
Temperature | 23-25°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-7.5, dH: up to 25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with no small fish |
Lighting | Dim |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
Feeding | Catfish pellets, granules, flake and frozen foods |
The Asian Sun Catfish is endemic to the state of Kerala in south-west India, where it is found in swamps, boggy pools, lakes, and the sluggish backwaters of rivers. This nocturnal catfish attains a large size and requires a very spacious aquarium (at least 6ft x 2ft x 2ft - preferably much larger), coupled with oversized filtration to cope with the amount of nitrogenous waste produced. The aquarium should be furnished with a soft sand substrate in order to protect the delicate sensory barbels when the catfish are rooting around for food, and large pieces of driftwood and smooth rocks can be used to create an abundance of shady refuges - ideally at least 2 caves per fish, to give them choice. Large diameter PVC tubing can also be used very successfully in this respect, although it may detract somewhat from the natural look. Lighting should be subdued and water movement not too vigorous. Large, robust motherplants can also be used to create shady retreats (e.g. Anubias and Microsorum spp.), and ideally these plants will be tied onto driftwood to prevent them from being dug up. Asian Sun Catfish are generally peaceful, but small fish are a part of their natural diet, so tankmates must be chosen carefully. These fish do best alongside other fish of similar size and temperament e.g. some of the larger characins and cyprinids, Polypterus spp, some medium-large cichlids and many other catfish species. As Asian Sun Catfish are naturally gregarious, they are best maintained in groups of at least 5 specimens for their continued well-being. Ideally they should all be of similar size and introduced to the aquarium at the same time. The Asian Sun Catfish (H. brachysoma) is similar in appearance to the Black Collared Catfish (H. nigricollaris) which is also seen in the trade fairly regularly. The latter displays more of a "collar" than a black shoulder spot, and it is altogether much more suitable for the average aquarium on account of it attaining a much smaller adult size. The Asian Sun Catfish may also be seen on sale as Ganther's Catfish, Eclipse Catfish, Solar Catfish, Sun Catfish, or Bullseye Catfish.
Omnivorous, but with a preference for meaty foods. Smaller specimens will enjoy bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp etc. whereas larger specimens will take bigger foods such as Mysis shrimp, chopped krill/prawns/mussels, earthworms etc. Also offer a variety of sinking catfish pellets/tablets, along with some vegetable matter, and always try to feed just before lights out, as this is when these fish are naturally at their most active.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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