Valentini Pufferfish
Canthigaster valentini

Synonyms | Tetraodon gronovii, Tetraodon valentini, Tetrodon taeniatus |
Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 10cm (3.9") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Non-Reef |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Will eat small shrimps and snails |
Sexual Dimorphism | In mature specimens, the males are larger than the females. Mature males show small green-blue lines radiating back from behind the eye. |
Found in a range of reef-associated habitats such as adjacent seagrass beds, this adaptable little fish is familiar to divers as the Black-saddled Toby and has a bold temperament thanks to the toxins advertised by its striped pattern. This colour scheme is the model for a few species which take advantage of the warning it gives to potential predators without producing toxins themselves, including the Mimic filefish (Paraluteres prionurus) and the Black-saddled coral grouper (Plectropomis laevis).
In the wild, mature males are territorial and guard a territory which encompasses that of several females, although they may also gather in groups which include multiple females and immature juveniles.
Best maintained away from motile invertebrates and delicate corals, these fish will spend hours grazing mature rockwork for benthic invertebrates. Single specimens might be inclined to nip inappropriate tankmates but this tendency is reduced by keeping this easily sexed fish in pairs in a spacious aquarium with a number of hiding places. As with all pufferfish, it should never be deliberately provoked into inflating itself. When handling this fish, it is best to herd it into a container, rather than using a net and lifting the fish clear of the water where it may ingest air.
Offer a varied diet for omnivores, including dried foods. Meaty items should include krill, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, chopped cockle/ mussel/ hard-shelled shrimp/ squid/ fish/clam meat etc, and herbivore rations such Nori, vegetable matter etc. Browses on red and green filamentous algae, and devours many tiny critters found in the live rock (this action should help keep the beak worn down). Feed small amounts 3 times per day.
To date, this species has not been reared in captivity. In the wild, this species is known to be haremic, each male spawning with a different female each day. Spawning is not limited to a particular season - it occurs year-round. Females signal their readiness to start courtship by displaying their belly, which will be swollen with eggs. The courtship ritual takes some time, with the resulting eggs laid/fertilized in a demersal nest, usually consisting of plant material such as within large tufts of algae. The adults are said to show no parental care.
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