Puffers And Boxfishes

Pufferfishes are known for their personality and cute looks, backed up by teeth capable of handling hard-shelled pre Read More

Pufferfishes are known for their personality and cute looks, backed up by teeth capable of handling hard-shelled prey. Famous for the ability to inflate their body cavity with water (or air) this is mostly a response to danger, but can be performed to make a big meal sit more comfortably or in the case of the sharp-nose puffers, body shape can be changed during display.

Boxfishes have evolved a rigid body structure that prevents inflation but compensate for this by having more toxic skin secretions that can be exuded when stressed.

Although they make excellent pet fish, these fishes are best in tanks where corals aren’t a priority as they have the curiosity and dentition to sample most inverts. Some of the smaller sharp-nosed puffers known as Tobies can be kept alongside certain corals but this requires careful selection and research.

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