Striped Panchax
Aplocheilus lineatus
These fish are liable to jump - keep in groups in a well-covered aquarium
Synonyms | Panchax lineatum, Aplocheilus affinis, Aplocheilus vittatus, Aplocheilus lineolatus, Aplocheilus rubropictus |
Distribution | India & Sri Lanka. |
Maximum Size | 10cm (3.9") |
Temperature | 22-25°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.5-7.5, dH: up to 18 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with no small fish |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Special Requirements | Not to be kept with small fish! |
Sexual Dimorphism | Males much more colourful, larger and with elongated finnage. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
The Striped Panchax is known from slow moving rivers, sluggish streams, and reservoirs, the locations of which are of a high altitude, and these waters are heavy with aquatic vegetation. It is not unknown for them to move into swamps, paddy fields and even slightly brackish waters in some areas, and they thrive on eating the mosquito larvae which land on the water"™s surface. A pair of these beautiful top-dwelling fish require an aquarium 3ft long, and if a larger group (including more males) are to be kept together, a more spacious tank must be provided. The tank should be aquascaped with plenty of plants, including floating varieties wherever possible. This will give the fish a natural network of hiding places and territories. Tangles of driftwood can also be added to give additional shelter. Striped Panchax are accomplished jumpers, so it is essential that the tank has tight fitting coverslides. These fish are predatory and have surprisingly wide mouths (view them head-on). Therefore they should never be combined with small community fish e.g. Neon Tetras, as these will soon become a snack. Striped Panchax are best maintained with medium sized fish of a peaceful disposition, and which do not occupy the same extreme top level of the aquarium. This is the natural wild colour form that the popular Golden Wonder Panchax was selectively bred from.
These fish require a good variety of meaty frozen foods, as in the wild they are known to take insects and insect larvae from the water"™s surface. Bloodworm and white mosquito larvae are preferred, but they will also enjoy vitamin-enriched brineshrimp and daphnia.
A chosen conditioned pair should be acclimatised to a softwater breeding aquarium furnished with large clumps of fine leaved plants and floating plants. Some aquarists prefer to condition the male and female in separate tanks prior to bringing them together in the breeding aquarium. The eggs, which are of quite a large size, will be deposited amongst the plants near the water"™s surface. From here it is easy to transfer them to another growing-on tank so that the parent fish do not predate on them (alternatively, carefully remove the parent fish from this aquarium once spawning has ceased). The eggs usually number between 100 and 150, but up to 250 have been reported from one spawning. These eggs can be expected to hatch within 11-14 days (temperature dependant) and the young offered finely powdered "˜first foods"™ and newly hatched brineshrimp.
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