Buenos Aires Tetra
Psalidodon anisitsi
A hardy shoaling fish for the larger aquarium which can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Liable to eat tender plants
Synonyms | Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus, Hyphessobrycon erythurus, Hemigrammus anisitsi |
Distribution | Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Most specimens offered for sale in the aquatics trade are captive-bred. |
Maximum Size | 8cm (3.15") |
Temperature | 15-27°C |
Water Parameters | Captive-bred specimens will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-7.5, dH: up to 18 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with no long-finned fish |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females are larger and more heavily built than males. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
Buenos Aires tetras are active, mid-water shoaling fishes found in a range of habitats that include seasonal floodwaters as well as rivers and streams. As they are native to regions that lie just outside the tropics, they soon earned a reputation for hardiness in the early days of the hobby and their ancestors from Argentina were undaunted by unreliable heating or wavering water quality. They can be inclined to damage plants and are on the large side for a tetra, so these are factors to bear in mind when considering their housing requirements.
The combination of size and speed makes these tetras a great choice for combining with territorial species such as small Central American cichlids or Eartheaters, Severum etc providing a useful target for aggression - as long as the aquarium is large enough for them to flee to safety. As "B.A." tetras are fast and boisterous it's best to avoid mixing them with long-finned tankmates.
Alongside the wild form, an albino is occasionally seen.
An omnivorous species which will eagerly accept most foods offered e.g. flake, green flake, small pellet foods, a huge variety of frozen foods, and vegetable matter.
Fairly easy to breed in a dedicated softwater breeding aquarium. The aquarium should be as spacious as possible, as Buenos Aires Tetras are very active during spawning. The spawning takes place over fine-leaved plants, and the parent fish should be removed once the female is exhausted of eggs. After 24 hours, the eggs will hatch.
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