African Blue Diamond Tetra
Alestopetersius smykalai
Best kept as a shoal in a spacious aquarium. Colours improve with age and are best when both sexes are present
Best kept as a shoal in a spacious aquarium. Colours improve with age and are best when both sexes are present
Synonyms | Hemigrammopetersius smykalai, Rhabdalestes smykalai. |
Distribution | Nigeria: Niger River basin. |
Maximum Size | 6cm |
Temperature | 22-26°C |
Water Parameters | pH: 6.5-7.8, KH: up to 20 degrees |
Compatibility | Community |
Lighting | Medium |
Sexual Dimorphism | Males are much more colourful, have more elaborate finnage and develop red irises when in breeding condition. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, frozen and live foods |
The African Blue Diamond Tetra inhabits the niger river system, where it shoals in soft, acidic water.
A peaceful but timid shoaling species which must be maintained in groups of 6 or more, the delicate colouration of these fish is often overlooked in the bright and bare conditions of a shop system. A good sized aquarium should be provided, as this is an active species that grows to a larger size than many other Tetra species. The back and sides of the aquarium should be planted, with an open swimming space in the central portion of the aquarium. Floating plants will be appreciated to help diffuse the light. These tetras are sensitive to elevated nitrate levels, so frequent water changes are a must. When kept properly, they will tend to ignore tankmates other than their own species and make excellent companions for West African cichlids in a biotope set up, or alongside other peaceful species too large to swallow.
May be seen as Blue Diamond Tetra, Blue Congo Tetra or Blue Diamond Characin.
Easy to feed, will eagerly accept flake, micropellets, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, daphnia, brineshrimp etc.
Not too difficult in a separate spawning aquarium. The pH should be 7 or below with a dH below 10 degrees. Java Moss or spawning mops should be placed on the bottom of the aquarium. The female can scatter several hundred eggs in or around the spawning medium. The parents should be removed once spawning has ceased, in order to prevent predation. Juveniles can be fed on infusoria and liquid fry foods before graduating to fine live foods such as artemia nauplii or microworms.
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