Nathan Williamson
How long have you been a Maidenhead Aquatics team member?
Started in July 2015, so 7 years
How long have you been keeping fish?
I remember my parents having fish in the late 90’s early 00’s but truly 2013 is when is started but its always been a love of mine, about 9 years now
What species do you most enjoy keeping and why?
Tanganyika cichlids are my favourite by a mile. No other region of Freshwater has such a diverse selection of colour and behaviour combined with the unique breeding of some species. The lake is like a mini ocean. From shell dwelling fish to the biggest cichlid in the world, it has everything.
What pearl of wisdom would you give to first-time Fishkeepers?
Research and ask questions, a lot of them! But also don’t be afraid to try and fail, fishkeeping is about learning and having fun along the way. Losing fish and making mistakes will happen, as sad as it is. Just make sure you learn from it and keep going, you will eventually crack it.
What would be your dream aquarium?
Dream would be stingrays, freshwater but also a 6 foot Tanganyika community is my achievable dream
What’s your favourite aspect of work at Maidenhead Aquatics?
The fish are always the best thing, nothing beats seen a new fish or invert for the first time on a delivery or seen a customer experience the joy of discovering a new fish or species
What question do customers ask you most often?
Not sure, I get asked a lot of questions but usually its about tank issues or stocking choices
What’s your secret fishkeeping “top tip”?
Use Microbe Lifts special blend, that stuff is magical, seriously it’s just special stuff
How many aquariums do you currently keep at home, and what are these?
None at the moment due to space
What do you think is the future of fishkeeping and what developments would you most like to see?
More automation will creep in, when I started lights didn’t have Bluetooth and now you get wavemakers, dosing pumps and pumps for system with wifi or Bluetooth so I think we will see more automation of equipment, wifi heater anyone?
What’s the most unique species you’ve ever cared for at Maidenhead Aquatics?
Frogfish is probably my top pick, had a lot of unique things but frogfish are a highlight for sure.
What is it that first got you hooked on fishkeeping?
The endless possibilities and learning, sounds cheesy but its true
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned since joining Maidenhead Aquatics?
Honestly don’t know, over 7 years you learn a lot working here. Perhaps id say that my understanding of climate changes and its effect on coral life has been eye opening.
What was your first aquarium and what fish did you keep in it?
AquaOak 150 DD as it was the one my dad bought when the store opened in 2013 and had larger cichlids and silver dollars with a Rusty Pleco named Thomas after my childhood pleco which was called Thomas, I’ve always loved Plecos!