Garvie Roberts
How long have you been a Maidenhead Aquatics team member?
5 years, since 2017
How long have you been keeping fish?
5 years also since 2017
What was your first aquarium and what fish did you keep in it?
Superfish Expert 70 with a selection of Poecillia Schenops colour morphs
What species do you most enjoy keeping and why?
Tanganyikan Cichlids have been my favourite so far, their colour, behaviours and breeding are by far the most interesting I’ve seen.
What pearl of wisdom would you give to first-time Fishkeepers?
Research every species of fish, invert, plant or coral that you plan on keeping carefully to ensure you can keep them happily long term. Whilst people in shops are very knowledgeable there’s no way to know everything and this is a hobby where we are all constantly learning from our successes and our failures, prior research is the only way to ensure less mistakes are made but its inevitable things can go wrong and be prepared for when they do.
What would be your dream aquarium?
I would have 2 dream aquariums preferably in the same room, one Freshwater and one Saltwater. 6 feet by 2 by 2, both with sump filtration underneath as well as heaps of equipment inside and lights suspended from the ceiling. The Saltwater would be a mixed Reef tank with a selection of beautiful Soft and LPS Corals, invertebrates of all kinds and a small selection of stunning fish, the king of which would be a Siganus Magnificus. The Freshwater would be more simple yet still elegant, a pile of dragon rock covered and surrounded by plants and a high quality selection of 8 Tiger or Panda Orandas with a single Black Oranda to absorb my bad energy.
What’s your favourite aspect of work at Maidenhead Aquatics?
Helping people create and design their dream tanks as well as working up close with amazing and unique species of fish.
What question do customers ask you most often?
How to get rid of algae. This one is an annoying one as often people forget that all algae has a source which it feeds on. Most of the time the source is the lighting or excess nutrients in the water parameters, however depending on the species of algae there can be other factors. Unless you find the cause factor of the algae it will continue to plague your tank, no matter how much you spend on products to stop it.
What’s your secret fishkeeping “top tip”?
Theres no such thing as Fishkeeping. You clean, test and maintain the water in your tank or pond. If your water is healthy then your fish will also be healthy, provided they are being kept with suitable tankmates.
How many aquariums do you currently keep at home, and what are these?
Currently I have 7 aquariums running. 2 betta tanks, a small tropical freshwater community, a small saltwater quarantine tank, terrarium with Musk Turtle, large Axolotl aquarium and a large Discus community (which I plan on changing soon!)
What do you think is the future of fishkeeping and what developments would you most like to see?
I’m interested to see how suppliers will respond to rising energy costs with their products.
What’s the most unique species you’ve ever cared for at Maidenhead Aquatics?
A Purple Tilefish, whilst not the weirdest looking nor particularly special, had jumped out of its tank and into the sump below. When I went to retrieve him I was expecting a difficult scenario of having to remove all the equipment from the sump to successfully catch him however when I put the net into the water he swam straight into it to be rescued. He has now been sold to a regular customer but I always check in on how he is doing.
What is it that first got you hooked on fishkeeping?
My first large tank was a West African Biotope. I think having to research the obscure species of fish originally from West Africa which can actually be found in the trade got me hooked and since then I’ve tried to flesh out most research with experience, however I still love an obscure species!