Alex Littlewood
How long have you been a Maidenhead Aquatics team member?
8 years
How long have you been keeping fish?
12 years
What was your first aquarium and what fish did you keep in it?
A small under gravel set up, which I thought was so high tech, how little I knew back then. I had guppies in it.
What species do you most enjoy keeping and why?
Most of my current stock is of the larger variety, Severums and cichlids. I have a gorgeous Leopard bush fish and a flagtail that someone brought to us.
What pearl of wisdom would you give to first-time Fishkeepers?
Keep up with your maintenance. Little and often wins out every time. And have patience. Nothing good happens quickly in a fish tank.
What would be your dream aquarium?
Amazingly planted and limpid clarity. Lots of small colourful shoaling species.
What’s your favourite aspect of work at Maidenhead Aquatics?
Working with fish, because fish are cool, and talking with like-minded people.
What questions do customers ask you most often?
Why has my tank gone green
What’s your secret fishkeeping “top tip”?
Even if they give you their best sad face, don’t overfeed your fish. And add filter bacteria every week even if you don’t do anything to the aquarium.
How many aquariums do you currently keep at home, and what are these?
Just one indoors, still in negotiations with the wife for a second, I have an EA Aquascaper 1500. I have a 1000l pond as well
What do you think is the future of fishkeeping and what developments would you most like to see?
Let’s stop giving away goldfish at fairs as prizes.
What’s the most unique species you’ve ever cared for at Maidenhead Aquatics?
We had a cross-river Puffer for a while until he found his forever home.
What is it that first got you hooked on fishkeeping?
Guppies are such a beautiful and underrated fish. Colourful, active and full of character.