What's in Store - August 2022
Given the length of time that they’ve been prized as pets, it’s not surprising that Fancy goldfish are available in a range of shapes and colours. Some, such as this Panda oranda seen recently at our Shrewsbury branch, are more rarely seen than others due to the difficulties in breeding fish with stable colouration. Caught mid-yawn, this fish is also demonstrating the mouthparts that are so efficient at grubbing through the sand for food and munching on delicate plants.
Fancy goldfish are great pets but are big and messy, read more about their requirements here in our databank: https://www.fishkeeper.co.uk/help-and-advice/freshwater/coldwater-aquarium-fish/oranda/
With their need for high oxygen levels, the recent heatwave has meant that transporting Orfe (Leuciscus idus) has been trickier than normal, as warm water holds less oxygen. A return to more moderate temperatures means that moving these and other more demanding fishes should be considerably less stressful, but please remember that it’s not just dogs that suffer in hot cars and if your trip to our stores includes any other stops, these are best done on the way to us. We’d always recommend the use of an insulated bag or box to keep conditions as stable as possible – ask your local branch for details.
High summer is upon us and plants such as the hardy Lobelias are looking good in our pond plant sections. Unlike their trailing bedding relatives, these are upright plants and add a vibrant hit of colour at a time when many moisture-loving plants are looking a little tired.
The hot weather has pushed up temperatures and bought many of the fishes in our stores into spawning condition. In the case of these Gold gouramis (Trichopodus trichopterus) it means that they’re displaying the tiger-striped pattern that they use to communicate their romantic intentions to potential mates and rivals. These larger gouramis can be a little boisterous but given a large, well-planted aquarium where a single male can court multiple females, they’ll provide a welcome contrast to smaller tankmates and provide hours of entertainment.
A species which needs time to blossom and can be easily overlooked in a busy system, these Copper harlequins (Trigonostigma espei) at our Rutland store were looking very striking. The warm tones of harlequins contrast beautifully with lush green plants and these swamp-dwellers are the perfect choice for a planted aquarium or a blackwater biotope where they’ll glow like embers in the tinted water.
Old favourites tend to become old favourites for a multitude of reasons and there’s a lot of virtues to be found in species like these Black neons (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) that are in practically every aquarium store. This batch at Cirencester show the bright white stripe which can appear green or blue tinged in the right circumstances and as with most shoaling tetras, they bring much impact when kept in large numbers. Inexpensive and hardy, they’re a great choice for adding movement and contrast to any suitable set up.
Today’s domesticated Bettas are the type of fish that we dreamed about a couple of decades ago. Now we’re offered photographs of individual males by some of our breeders we can cherry pick some stunning examples like this one seen recently at our Knutsford store. As these are one to a tank fish it pays to be choosy, although as their space requirements are modest, it’s usually all too easy to find room for additional Betta tanks…
Although thought of as the ‘other Ram’ it’s fair to say that the Bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosa) deserves to be more popular. With a larger adult size and a stronger constitution, this is a more robust fish all round and this batch at our Wigan branch were really starting to colour up nicely.