Seasonal Tips
Make sure your fishkeeping efforts are focused on what's most important for your fish whatever the season with our top tips for every month of the year for indoor and outdoor fishkeeping.
Fishkeeping during the Christmas season requires some additional considerations to ensure the well-being of your fish. Here's everything you need to know.
Categories: Seasonal Tips
Welcome to a new year! Traditionally a time of resolutions and change, as well as freezing weather. After the usual feasting and merriment, those who make resolutions will be joining gyms, giving up smoking, trying to swear less (or at least only under due provocation!) and perhaps be better fish keepers. Having done most of the above at some point, I can tell you that the last one is probably the easiest of the lot...
February can be a changeable month, with glimpses of spring between reminders that winter’s not intending on going down without a fight…Check out our top tips for fishkeeping indoors and out!
Categories: Seasonal Tips
With signs of spring everywhere, it’s time to embrace the start of a new pond season before the warmth of Easter brings the traditional start of the outdoor season.
The coming of Easter means it’s time for things to wake up in the spring garden and this month sees sunny days win over cold nights. In response, fish and aquatic wildlife become more active and plants start growing and flowering. With the current shenanigans taking place, it’s good to know that the water garden can absorb all the time you can give it…
Bank holidays have been a rollercoaster of high and low temperatures and we’ve had a good amount of rain. It can only mean one thing – spring is here!
No matter how slow the spring seems, this time of year never fails to deliver the promises of early summer. Looking at the verdant growth of poolside plants there’s no escaping the fact that summer’s here.
High summer is here and in many gardens the pond is the most verdant part. That’s what makes them such a great place to sit and enjoy a cold drink but this has to be earned by keeping on top of the usual seasonal tasks.
Categories: Seasonal Tips
This summer has been a record-breaker and continues to provide tropical temperatures, no matter how ‘cold water’ your fishes may be.
After the heat of summer, September is the point where pond keepers need to start planning for what’s to come.
So, it’s the time of year when nature shrugs off her summer splendour to take on the glorious glowing tints of autumn. For less romantically inclined water gardeners it’s the time when leaves start to get everywhere!
As the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness gives way to winter there are far fewer leaves on the trees. It’s time to go and fish them out of the pond and make the most of the warm autumn weather before it really does get cold out there. We may have had the first frosts but it takes a little longer for ponds to cool. Indoors, it’s always tropical...
So, here we are again – the robins are briefed and ready, the mistletoe is looking nervous and the stores are bracing themselves to explain to last minute gift shoppers that fish can’t be gifted in a brand new aquarium purchased the previous day. Here are our top fishkeeping tips for indoors and out for December.