Need a lift?
Microbe Lift products are designed to provide solutions to a range of fishkeeping challenges without the need for any harsh chemicals. The range includes products for both freshwater and marine aquaria, many of which are now used by our staff and customers alike. With a long history in the field of ‘bioaugmentation products’ it’s no surprise that some of the most popular lines in the range are bacterial. In a market historically served by manufacturers making strong claims, we’ve been impressed with how effective these are.
Cycling a new aquarium is one of the most challenging aspects of the hobby and it’s particularly unfair that this is the area which gives new keepers a problematic welcome to a wonderful pastime. A few options are available to ease this tricky period and two of them in particular are designed to complement each other for rapid establishment of filter bacteria.
Special Blend is the flagship product in the range, being the domestic version of a microbial mixture used for commercial water treatment. Containing a variety of bacteria, this product should only be added after a suitable water conditioner has removed any chlorine or chloramine and will quickly establish a community of beneficial microorganisms. As it boosts the microbial fauna of the system, this product helps break down organic waste and improve water clarity, this can be especially useful in the event of a bacterial bloom by restoring the balance of beneficial microorganisms. If you’re the type of person who tends to investigate products by smell, I’d caution you to open this product in a well-ventilated area – it’s powerful!
Nite Out II is the complimentary culture of filter bacteria which can mature a system extremely quickly. We’ve seen great results from using this product and it’s been especially useful in situations where customers have needed a rapid solution to an ammonia or nitrite spike in the presence of fish. The manufacturers claim that using this product in combination with Special Blend can cycle an aquarium in 24 hours, although we’d always suggest stocking a new aquarium gradually and only adding livestock when ammonia and nitrite are undetectable. Those of us who’ve spent any time working in an aquatic store will know that the majority of customers will want to add a small quantity of fish (or will be in the middle of a water quality issue) and these cultures are optimally used in conjunction with this type of low-level nitrogen source to ensure newly added bacterial populations thrive and reproduce. Using an artificial source of ammonia should also yield good results and lead to an extremely rapid cycling time.
These two products should be added to boost bacterial populations when new fishes are added, or any time when the natural balance of your aquarium needs a little help. Special Blend has a reputation for improving clarity when added regularly and maximises the value of routine maintenance such as water changes.
Gel Filter is designed to be added directly to new or freshly cleaned filter media, quickly restoring biological activity in systems with a high bioload or newly installed aquaria. Gel Filter is perfect for applications where filter cartridges are replaced on a regular rotation, or where existing filtration is cleaned regularly in tanks with a heavy burden of solid waste such as those housing goldfish or wood-munching catfishes.
Aqua Balance contains a blend of microbes targeted for the breakdown of organic waste, including some which can reduce nitrate levels through denitrification. This is especially useful in heavily furnished aquaria such as reef or cichlid tanks, where pockets of waste can accumulate in areas which aren’t accessible with siphoning equipment, or for de-clogging biological filter media without losing beneficial bacterial fauna. As with any sludge buster, this is best used as an aid to regular maintenance rather than an alternative. As with all Microbe Lift bacterial products, Aqua Balance will boost the microbial diversity of your system with benefits for a number of biological processes. This makes it useful for both young and old installations alike, although its ability to restore old aquaria heavily laden with solids are the key feature of this product.
NO3PO4 Control is an extension of the waste management program and contains hydrocarbons to facilitate biological reduction of excessively high levels of nitrate and phosphate. For optimal effectiveness, adding this product in conjunction with Special Blend will ensure that the right microbes are present to carry out the process. As a product suitable for both freshwater and marine aquaria, it’s good to see that the manufacturers don’t recommend total eradication of these important compounds, merely their management within levels which favour desirable organisms and reduce nuisance algae growth etc.
Thera P uses beneficial organisms that work as immunostimulants and probiotics. Especially useful to help fishes at times of stress such as acclimation, spawning or recovering from the effects of disease or poor water quality. A great supportive to help your pets achieve maximum health and vigour, we found Thera P gave good results in boosting the gut flora of fish that had been suffering with nutritional issues and restoring their feeding response.