General Fishkeeping

Browse through a huge selection of articles, useful tips and interesting facts covering every aspect of fishkeeping and water gardening.

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  1. What's in store - March 2025
    What's in store - March 2025

    It may be chilly but spring is in the air and we’re preparing for the upcoming pond season. Traditionally Easter sees the start of things and we’ll spend the next weeks making sure that our fish are ready to face the British weather head on. 

  2. What's in store - February 2025
    What's in store - February 2025

    A close relative of the Green barb (Barbodes semifasciolatus) these Snyder’s barbs (B. snyderi) are a rarely seen Taiwanese native, perfect for unheated aquaria although more likely to appeal to the dedicated cypriniphile with a taste for the unusual.

  3. Why test my aquarium or pond water?
    Why test my aquarium or pond water?

    Testing aquarium or pond water is both a critical and essential step in maintaining a healthy, thriving aquatic environment. It allows hobbyists to monitor and maintain the water parameters necessary for the well-being of all fish, plants, and other inhabitants within. Check out our handy guide that explains why the health of your aquarium or pond water means everything to the health and wellbeing of your fish.


  4. How to manage your water quality with Fishkeeper App
    How to manage your water quality with Fishkeeper App

    Our exclusive Fishkeeper app is the perfect tool to help you record and monitor your pond or aquarium water health. This short article shows you step-by-step how to set up your profile on the app and where you can start recording and tracking the water parameters that are important to your set-up.

  5. Christmas and New Year Opening Times and Delivery
    Christmas and New Year Opening Times and Delivery

    Check out our last delivery times before Christmas and stores and online operating hours and Customer Service availability over the festive period.

  6. Travelling Incognito
    Travelling Incognito

    As the weather cools and focus shifts indoors, the ‘trop season’ is upon us. Since the last one there’s been some changes to the names of things with Corydoras catfish and now it seems tetras being reclassified. Predictably, it takes suppliers a while to catch up with these name changes and many people will be pleased to hear that common names are pretty much unaffected.

    Traditionally there’s a number of species that are bred and sold to us with the wrong names and have been for years, many

  7. Believe your eyes
    Believe your eyes

    Fish in the flesh – some thoughts on why we feel it’s best to buy your new pets in a bricks and mortar store.

    I won’t lie to you; I buy things online like pretty much everyone else. There’s massive convenience in being able to search for obscure or specialist items that you’d have to trudge around shops to find. It’s also handy being able to shop when stores are closed, or if you don’t have the time for an away mission. Some things are dependable, identical and low risk when bought

  8. Turtle Mayhem
    Turtle Mayhem

    Once a familiar sight in pet shops everywhere, the tiny hatchling green turtles that found their way into people’s homes over the last few decades have now given rise to a significant feral population of adults that outgrew their owners’ facilities and were released to their fate in the wild. Although banned from importation into the EU thanks to their invasive tendencies in warmer climates, many Red-eared and Yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta spp.) can be found in UK waters up and

  9. What's in Store - May 2024
    What's in Store - May 2024

    The pond season is well underway now and our stores are filling with gorgeous pond plants and a wealth of hardy goldfish. Meanwhile, the fancy goldfish are providing a pet that the weather can’t spoil with a range of body forms that are unknown in nature. Some of these forms are rather extreme, such as these Dragon-eyed pearlscales (Carassius auratus) seen recently at Ascot. Although peaceful, fishes such as these are best kept alongside other similar breeds

  10. How has the world of fishkeeping changed over the last 40 years?
    How has the world of fishkeeping changed over the last 40 years?

    Since we opened our first store in 1984 a lot of things have changed, even many of the fish. New species have arrived on the scene, as well as established old favourites in a breathtaking range of forms. Here are some key developments.

  11. Temperate fish - the smart alternative to goldfish
    Temperate fish - the smart alternative to goldfish

    Let’s look at temperate fishes. They’re not cold water but they’re not tropical either – most importantly they thrive at room temperature. The most significant aspect is that they’re a far better choice for modestly sized set ups than goldfish.

  12. Caring for your Pond Fish
    Caring for your Pond Fish

    Moving to new surroundings can be daunting for fish and it’s perfectly normal for even the tamest specimens to take a little time to settle in, so don’t worry if your new pets are shy at first. Adding a small quantity of food helps the fish to associate your arrival with good things and tame more quickly.

  13. Caring for your Coldwater Fish
    Caring for your Coldwater Fish

    Many of us had a goldfish as our first childhood pet and they’re a popular choice, especially for a child’s first aquarium. But these large and messy fish are actually far better suited to outdoor life in a pond.

  14. Caring for your Marine Fish and Invertebrates
    Caring for your Marine Fish and Invertebrates

    First and foremost, it’s vital that any aquarium is properly established and suitable for your chosen species if they are to thrive. If you have any concerns about the quality of your water or the compatibility of your fish, ask a member of staff for friendly, expert advice.

  15. Caring for your Tropical Fish and Invertebrates
    Caring for your Tropical Fish and Invertebrates

    First and foremost, it’s vital that any aquarium is properly established and suitable for your chosen species if they are to thrive. If you have any concerns about the quality of your water or the compatibility of your fish, ask a member of staff for friendly, expert advice.

  16. Right Royal Fish
    Right Royal Fish

    Wave the flags and put out the bunting, it’s a right royal weekend and we have a coronation to enjoy! It seems timely to offer our congratulations and look at a few other royals which we’re familiar with.

  17. God save the Kingcup
    God save the Kingcup

    It’s another historic day in the UK as we see the coronation of a King who has a keen interest in the natural world and a love of gardening. It seems only appropriate to showcase a water gardening favourite which is not only a tried-and-true native plant but is still flowering in many parts of the country.

  18. Mum's Net
    Mum's Net

    Mothers come in all shapes and sizes, as you might expect there’s a lot of diversity when it comes to aquatic motherhood, but all these strategies seem to work. The world is full of fish and you don’t see many in therapy.

  19. Need a lift?
    Need a lift?

    Microbe Lift products are designed to provide solutions to a range of fishkeeping challenges without the need for any harsh chemicals. The range includes products for both freshwater and marine aquaria, many of which are now used by our staff and customers alike

  20. Sale Season - the advantages of buying seasonally reduced pond livestock
    Sale Season - the advantages of buying seasonally reduced pond livestock

    After a long hot summer in the pond section, we’re approaching the time of year when there’s bargains to be had. The water is warm, the fishes have been in stock for weeks and not only are they bigger than when they arrived, their price has gone down rather than up.

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For delivery before Christmas, orders must be placed on or before 3pm on Wednesday 20th December. We cannot guarantee delivery of these orders pre-Christmas as we are reliant on our couriers, but will use our best endeavours to get orders placed on this date out to you before Christmas. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here

Please note: online orders placed after 3pm on Friday 22nd December will not be dispatched until the New Year. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here