Fishkeeper Fry comes to a close for 2022!
Fishkeeper Fry 2022 has now come to a close and it has been a real joy to have been able to deliver this year’s programme, particularly having lost a year due to Covid restrictions. Our schools have produced some amazing work with the support of their fantastic teachers and we’re thrilled to see the way in which the children have engaged with the tasks and activities throughout.
Week 8 of Fishkeeper Fry saw schools learn about how fish breed and have a look back over what was covered during the programme.
Oakridge Primary School Fishkeepers of the Week
Tappers discussed the two ways in which fish have fry, by laying eggs or giving birth to miniature versions of themselves. A couple of our schools reported that they were lucky enough to have some babies spawn in their tanks.
Week 8 saw one last addition to the fish tank, a Bristlenose Plec. Lots of pupils reported that the Plec is their favourite fish because they are cute, shy like themselves and they are good at hiding.
The pupils were asked to fill out a feedback form so that we can understand what they enjoyed about Fishkeeper Fry. We are always looking to improve the programme so we appreciate any feedback.
We are pleased to say that lots of schools have chosen to keep their fish tank so they can continue their fishkeeping journey. Schools reported that the fish tank produced a calming feeling in the classroom and is a great edition.
Oakridge Primary School pupils with their worksheets
School of the Year has now been chosen. The winning school will be able to arrange a visit from Tappers and the programme coordinator. The visit will allow pupils to ask questions to Tappers along with a small ceremony to present the medals and trophy.
The Sheiling School Ringwood Max showing his certificate
This year, the winning school will be awarded goodie bags for pupils and a brand new Fluval Shaker 168 Aquarium & Cabinet Set in the colour of their choice.
We are already looking at ways we can improve for Fishkeeper Fry 2023 and continue to grow the programme.
Westende Primary School pupil Ellie – Fishkeeper of the Week
Although the programme has now finished for 2022 and our panel are finalising the winner of School of the Year, the Fishkeeper Fry team are starting to prepare for the next programme. We will be announcing the winning school in the coming weeks so do check back on the website and our social channels to see who our winners are. In the meantime, here is just some of the feedback we have received from schools participating this year:
“We really enjoyed taking part in the Fishkeeper Fry project this year. Our students have a much better understanding of responsible fish care and have learnt lots about the different types of fish. We now have a core group of students who independently care for our fish and the tank which is an incredible step towards adulthood for them all. They are also benefiting from having a lively aquarium in their learning environment.” - Milestone Academy
“We have so enjoyed taking part in the Fishkeeper Fry programme. The children have learnt so much about the fish and how to care for them, from testing the water quality to where the fish originate from. They were very excited each week when the new fish arrived and have named them all. Having the tank in the classroom is very calming. The whole experience has been fantastic and I cannot thank you enough.” - Bethersden Primary School.
“Year 3 had an amazing experience learning about the different types of tropical fish and how to care for them. The children are so attentive towards their fish and are constantly checking that they are well fed, that the tank is clean and that the temperature remains consistent. They retained the different names for the fish and know that they reside in different areas of the tank. Fishkeeper Fry was an amazing opportunity for some experiential learning.” - Wormholt Park Primary School
“The children were so engaged in the learning and loved taking the responsibility, and love having a class pet. Highly recommend classes doing the programme.”
“Clear plans and resources with excellent support online and in the stores. The children learned a great deal about the time and dedication needed to look after animals. They took on a responsibility of caring for the fish and sharing information with the school. They've discovered that clean looking water can be harmful with testing strips. This has really help the emotional well-being of the children within the project but also providing a visual relaxation post for all.”
Westende Primary School Fishkeepers of the Week – Digby and Emmie
Applications for 2023 will open again in September so keep an eye on this page for more information.
Our goal with the programme continues to be to look for ways to break down some of the barriers traditionally associated with fishkeeping. The programme also enables children to have the opportunity to keep fish in a way that is safe and controlled for the fish and low risk for parents. We hope to inspire a lifelong passion for the hobby from an early age.
Each year we continue to develop the Fishkeeper Fry programme, using feedback from our participating schools and stores, in the hope that it will ultimately become a nationally recognised scheme and for all schools across the UK, giving children right across the country access to the amazing world that is fishkeeping. The more feedback we can get the better. If the programme provides a means of supporting core national curriculum science topics such as the Nitrogen Cycle, photosynthesis, nutrition, respiration and digestion, then that is fantastic. If children take away wider life skills, then that is equally valuable too, and if, with all of that we can start to develop the next generation of committed and passionate fishkeepers who will carry on the hobby, then we’ve achieved our ultimate goal.
The Sheiling School Ringwood Tom completing a worksheet
Once again, this year we wouldn’t have been able to offer the programme without the support of our partner Fluval, who are renowned for developing reliable technology and great design for fishkeepers for over 35 years and are always looking for new ways of inspiring the next generation of fishkeepers. Many thanks to the team for helping us make Fishkeeper Fry happen.
In the meantime, we encourage any children interested in fishkeeping to come into our stores and speak to our friendly teams about the hobby and why not ‘Feed the Fish’ if your local store offers the option.