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We are now past the halfway point of the programme, with most schools having completed Week 5 last week. Schools continue to share their fantastic work with us and proudly showcase their Fishkeepers of the Week.
Figure 1- Blakedown Primary School’s tank
Our young fishkeepers have been eagerly introducing their Nerite Snails to their aquariums this week, adding two snails to their thriving tanks.
Figure 2 – Bradley Green Primary School adding their Nerite Snails
Pupils took on the exciting task of naming their new Nerite Snails, coming up with some fantastic choices. A few of our favourites include Turbo, Zoom, Mr. Beast, and Epic!
Figure 3 - St Fergus Primary School naming their snails Turbo and Zoom after taking a vote
Tappers has been guiding pupils through the essential process of performing a water change and cleaning the gravel in their aquariums. He explained why regular water changes are necessary, even when the water appears clear, to maintain a healthy environment for their fish.
Figure 4 – Danestone students have created their sea life posters
In previous weeks, schools explored the friendly bacteria and the job that they do to keep the water clean to keep the fish healthy. Now they are learning about how friendly bacteria break down fish waste into nitrate. Now they need to make sure that the nitrate doesn’t build up and harm the fish.
Figure 5 – Fishkeeper of the Week at Marlpool Junior School, Erin
Schools have been doing a fantastic job of remembering to test their water each week. However, a few schools had to delay adding their fish due to the water levels not being quite right. While it was tough for pupils to wait an extra week to meet their new fish, they understood the importance of ensuring a safe and healthy environment first.
Figure 6 – Students at The Willows Primary School testing their water.
Tapper has explained to the students how to not only care for the fish but to care for the plants as well which are essential to the fish by providing them with oxygen and creating a healthy environment.
Figure 7- Student at Mill and Mains Primary School completing a water change
For real plants, Tappers has explained and taught the students to remove any dead and decaying leaves on the plants as this will fuel the growth of algae in their tanks. He mentions being careful with the pest snails that could have hitched a ride on your plants from the store.
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Please note: online orders placed after 3pm on Friday 22nd December will not be dispatched until the New Year. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here