In 2020, schools across the country participated in an incredible Fishkeeping Fry programme, and their enthusiasm and dedication truly shone. Every school brought its best efforts to teaching students the joy and responsibility of fishkeeping, resulting in a rewarding experience for all involved.

The programme tasked schools with weekly challenges, ranging from setting up aquariums and safely introducing fish to the tank to testing water quality to ensure a healthy environment for their aquatic friends. Each lesson was thoughtfully designed to combine hands-on activities with engaging educational content.

Students were provided with weekly worksheets tailored to the lessons. These included fun activities like colouring tasks, word searches, and knowledge-based quizzes, which encouraged them to recall key information from the video lessons watched at the start of each week.

Some schools went above and beyond, devising creative alternative activities to deepen their students’ engagement. A few schools encouraged students to craft their own aquariums using materials like sponges, cardboard, and clay, fostering both imagination and problem-solving skills.

One particularly enthusiastic student even created a PowerPoint presentation on tropical fish, which she proudly shared with her classmates, showcasing her newfound knowledge and passion.


From beautifully completed worksheets to innovative, student-designed aquariums, the programme highlighted the creativity and dedication of participating schools. The students' designs for fish tanks were especially impressive, demonstrating both their artistic talent and understanding of what makes a safe and welcoming home for their fish friends.