What's in store - November 2024
It may be getting colder outside but that suits Orfe (Leucisus idus) whether they’re Golden or Blue. They love the higher oxygen levels that go hand in hand with cooler water and are easier to transport as well. Orfe grow rapidly, so they’ll usually be significantly larger than they were when they arrived in store too – making them a real bargain, especially in our stores where the pond fish go on sale ahead of the winter.
Perhaps one of the most perfect fish for a small reef tank, the Hifin chequered perchlet (Plectranthias inermis) is a Serranid that identifies as a hawkfish. Although predatory, its small size means that it’s safe with all but the very tiniest of crustaceans and a sedentary lifestyle suits modestly sized set ups. This one was looking good at our Farnham branch.
Hiding in plain sight, the Graceful headstander (Chilodus gracilis) seems to be coming in misidentified as its more familiar relative the Spotted headstander (C. punctatus). Both good fishes for community aquaria, gracilis permanently shows a dark lateral stripe (that big one down the middle) whereas it comes and goes in punctatus. Although larger than your average tetra, these characins are best kept in groups or shoals to allow them to express normal behaviour. These little beauties were seen at our Winnersh store.
At their best loaches are inquisitive, lively fish that are very entertaining to keep. The Serpent loach (Serpentocobitis octozona) has certainly understood the assignment and is an active fish, full of character. An inhabitant of fast-moving water in the wild, a group of these pretty loaches will be constantly active and appreciate high oxygen levels and a good current. Happiest in conditions that might not suit long finned or slow-moving species, fishes such as barbs and danios are ideal tankmates. This batch were looking good at Derby.
Killifishes are a bit of a fringe group in the hobby, with annual species beloved of specialists and non-annual fishes having to convince people that they’re long lived and hardy. These Green panchax (Aplocheilus blockii) are a great choice for a community housing tankmates too large to swallow, and their modest size makes this a longer list than their larger relatives such as the Golden wonder panchax (Ap. lineatus ‘gold’). These rarely seen fish were at our Sanders store.