Sexy Shrimp
Thor amboinensis

Synonyms | Hippolyte amboinensis, Thor discosomatis |
Distribution | All tropical seas |
Maximum Size | 2cm (0.8") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Excellent |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females grow slightly larger, have white spots on their pleopods, and can sometimes be seen carrying eggs |
The diminutive Sexy Shrimps have gained their light-hearted common name from the way they sway and vibrate their abdomen when walking. When at rest, they arch their abdomen and tail up towards the head. These peaceful shrimps commonly live symbiotically on various large anemones in the Indo-Pacific, and specifically the carpet anemone Stichodactyla helianthus in the Caribbean. Usually, several of these gregarious shrimps live on each host anemone, but some have been known to house as many as 20 individuals. Sexy Shrimps are found in shallow waters, from 0.5-2.8m (1.6-9.2ft) in depth, and where there is gentle to moderate water movement.
In the home aquarium, they should idealy be kept in groups of 3 or more, and a host anemone (or another of their preferred sessile invertebrate hosts, see below) should be provided. Sexy Shrimps are thought to acclimatise themselves to an anemone by collecting its mucus, which then masks their presence from the anemone's nematocysts. Some Sexy Shrimps will even take up residence amongst the tentacles of some Zoanthus and Ricordia species as well as Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia sp.). Tankmates should be chosen very carefully to ensure that these tiny shrimps are not viewed as food "“ companions must also be small and peaceful, and preferably not occupy the same niche. As these tiny shrimp are among the smallest of available aquarium invertebrates, their petite size can bring out the predatory nature in many otherwise well-behaved fish, so be very cautious when housing with any damselfishes, gobies, small wrasses etc. that might ordinarily seem invertebrate-safe. Be aware that other crustaceans - particularly some of the larger shrimp species - may also pose a threat. Pugnacious clownfish, such as the Clarkii Clown (Amphiprion clarkii), will not tolerate them sharing the same anemone, and must be avoided. Acclimatise your Sexy Shrimps slowly and carefully, preferably using the drip method or a Maidenhead Aquatics Fintro. As with other invertebrates, do not use copper-based medications if you have Sexy Shrimp in the tank. As these shrimp grow, they will moult every now and again, and you may find their exoskeletons in the tank. They are quite vulnerable for a few days once they have shed their exoskeleton, and may hide away until the new shell hardens. However, they never normally venture more than a few cm from their host anemone. Excellent water quality is required at all times "“ these shrimps will not tolerate an elevated nitrate level.
Carnivorous - will eat most meaty aquarium foods. Target feed their host anemone, so that they can grab morsels of food in relative safety.
Sexy Shrimp have been bred in the home aquarium, but raising the miniscule larvae is challenging. This species would make a great breeding project for the serious hobbyist. Little in the way of courtship is involved in the reproductive process; males are continually on the lookout for females, and when they find them, and if they are willing to copulate, this takes place quickly and without fuss. When mating, the male transfers sperm cells from his gonopores, located on his fifth pereopods, to the female's gonopores, which are located on her third pereopods. The female will carry, oxygenate, and clean the orange-brown eggs (numbering several hundred) on the pleopods under the forward tail section. Males take no further part in the reproductive process. To rear this species, it is best to set up a separate breeding tank with very gentle circulation and a ready supply of tiny live foods, such as rotifers or newly-hatched baby brineshrimp (Artemia nauplii) to feed the larvae. The eggs hatch some 12 days after spawning has taken place, although this is largely temperature dependent. The slender larvae are around 2mm in length, and are delicate and slow-growing. Settlement takes place between 3 and 4 weeks post hatch.
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