Four-banded Tiger Fish
Datnioides polota
This predatory fish needs a large aquarium with similar-sized tankmates
Synonyms | Chaetodon quadrifasciatus, Coius binotatus, C. polota, C. quadrifasciatus, Datnioides quadrifasciatus, Lobotes hexazona |
Distribution | Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. |
Maximum Size | 35cm (13.8") |
Temperature | 22-27°C |
Water Parameters | Freshwater or brackish. Hard & alkaline. pH: 7.5-8.8, dH: 15-25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Non-community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
Feeding | Frozen and live foods |
The Four Banded Tiger Fish has a wide area of distribution across Southeast Asia, where it is found in brackish water at the mouths of large rivers, coastal lagoons, and mangrove swamps, and very occasionally in rivers above tidal influence. Four Banded Tiger Fish grow large and require a very spacious and well-filtered brackish aquarium. The tank should be furnished with plenty of rockwork/driftwood or mangrove root ornaments to create shady hiding places and a plethora of visual barriers. A substrate of aragonite or crushed coral can be used to help maintain a stable alkaline pH. Although juveniles are fairly gregarious, adults are territorially aggressive, and must either be maintained singly or in a group of 6 or more individuals. A larger group (housed in a spacious tank with a multitude of visual barriers) will ensure that no one fish bears the brunt of any squabbles and is subjected to constant stress - any arguments will be spread throughout the group. This species is an efficient predator and will eat smaller fish. Good tankmates would include similarly-sized Archer Fish, Monos, and Scats. May also be seen on sale as the Silver Tiger Fish.
Carnivorous. Offer a variety of meaty frozen foods, including bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp etc. Larger specimens will also enjoy krill, chopped prawns, chopped mussel meat, earthworms etc. Some specimens will take dried foods such as sinking carnivore pellets.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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