Christmas Wrasse
Halichoeres claudia
Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Pacific Ocean & Eastern Indian Ocean |
Maximum Size | 12cm (4.7") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Safe with corals, but a threat to bristleworms, fanworms, snails, shrimps, and urchins. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Protogynous sequential hermaphrodites. Both sexes display a prominent dark spot midway along the dorsal fin, and this is ocellated on the female. All juvenile fish also display the dorsal ocellus. |
The exquisitely beautiful Halichoeres claudia is a member of the Christmas Wrasse complex; and whilst all members are of very similar appearance, the complex actually consists of 4 distinct species. This particular fish was formerly identified as H. ornatissimus, but is now considered a species in its own right. H. claudia is known from much of the Pacific and parts of the Indian Ocean, from French Polynesia to Australia (including the Cocos/Keeling Islands and Christmas Island) and on towards Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. H. ornatissimus is restricted to the waters around the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Island. The two other members of this complex are H. cosmetus and H. orientalis; H. cosmetus may be found in the Western Indian Ocean and H. orientalis is a subtropical species known from the North-West Pacific. Various different meristic and morphometric measurements do aid somewhat in identification; and although H. ornatissimus shows no real differences from H. claudia in this respect, the former does attain a significantly larger size and is much more restricted in its distribution area. This article concerns H. claudia, perhaps the most colourful member of the complex. This eyecatching red and jade fish is known from outer barrier reef slopes, up to 35m (115ft) in depth, and is usually solitary. It feeds mainly on hard-shelled prey such as crustaceans, molluscs, and urchins, so it is a species that should be added to the reef tank with quite a bit of caution. Although it should not trouble corals, it will feed on a variety of invertebrates (see Reef Aquarium Compatibility section below). However, it can play a very useful role in helping to keep nuisance flatworms and pyramidellid snails (parasites of tridacnid clams) under control. The tank should be mature and furnished with plenty of living rock to provide feeding opportunities, shady hiding places and visual barriers. There should be a deep sand bed of around 3" (7.5cm) or so, in order that the wrasse may bury itself at night or if startled. Keep either a single specimen, or, if the tank is large enough, a good sized group of 5 or 6 individuals (introduced simultaneously, when young and of the same size). Young Christmas Wrasses rarely cause problems in a community type set-up, but larger adults have been known to pick on small passive fish, such as flasher wrasses, fairy wrasses, and firefish, so these combinations are best avoided. Powerful filtration and circulation with a high level of oxygenation are a must, as are tight fitting coverslides; these fish are expert jumpers.
Carnivorous. Will readily accept most meaty frozen foods such as Mysis shrimp, krill, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, finely chopped prawns/cockle/mussel etc. Feed small amounts 2 or 3 times per day.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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