Orange Face Tang
Acanthurus bariene
Synonyms | Acanthurus kingii, A. nummifer, Hepatus bariene, Rhombotides nummifer |
Distribution | Indo-West-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 50cm (20") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Safe with most invertebrates. Occasional specimens may nip at LPS corals and some zoanthids if underfed. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature males develop a highly convex forehead that extends beyond the mouth. |
The Orange Face Tang is known from clear, seaward reef slopes to depths of 50m (164ft). Juvenile fish tend to inhabit shallow protected reef environments, whereas the adults (who are usually found singly or in pairs) favour deep coastal reef slopes and outer reef walls where they can be observed feeding on various types of algae growing on the rocks. This species is rarely encountered in the trade, but if the aquarist is blessed with an enormous system, this fish is well worth looking out for as it would make a wonderful centrepiece. The tank should be mature and contain plenty of live rock which the Orange Face Tang will enjoy grazing upon. Include plenty of hiding places that are large enough for your fish to retreat into quickly should it feel threatened, at the same time aiming for an aquascape that allows plenty of open swimming space along the front of the aquarium for such a powerful swimmer. Orange Face Tangs are not overly aggressive towards tankmates, however they will show hostility towards their own kind and towards other members of the Acanthurus genus - for this reason it is best to house just one specimen per tank. There are good reports of this fish mixing with tangs of other genera; however it is recommended that the Orange Face Tang is the last addition to a set up, as it can be a little territorial to newcomers, especially similar fish species. It is best to source a medium sized specimen (i.e. over 4" in length) as they are more likely to acclimatise well to life in captivity. Conversely, extra large specimens may have a difficult time settling in, so aim for a healthy-looking fish that is neither too small nor excessively large. Avoid any specimens that appear "pinched" in the belly area, and do ask your retailer to show you that your chosen fish is feeding well prior to purchase. Orange Face Tangs have a high metabolism and require small frequent feeds throughout the day. Powerful filtration/circulation and a high level of oxygenation are therefore essential for this energetic, voracious eater. Be sure to keep on top of water quality as this fish will not tolerate deteriorating water conditions. A large refugium with living rock can be most useful: macroalgae can be cultured on this rock and these pieces rotated with pieces from the main tank, so that the Orange Face Tang has a continual supply of natural foodstuffs to graze upon. Take care when handling this species, as the caudal spines are large and can inflict a very painful wound. A period of quarantine can be a valuable procedure for the acclimatisation of all livestock, and it is of particular importance for the Orange Face Tang which can be fairly susceptible to developing marine white spot. This can be difficult to treat in the reef aquarium. Ideally the fish should be quarantined and carefully observed in a separate aquarium for at least a fortnight before being introduced into your main display tank. The pictured fish is a 5" juvenile. As these fish mature, their appearance changes, with the fish developing dazzling golden-orange and bright blue markings to the fins against deeper blues, browns, and black, with a maze of orange freckles on the face. The tail takes on a lunate shape and is covered in many fine black spots, hence the other common name of Black Spot Tang.
Feed a varied diet for omnivores, with a large vegetable component, in small amounts several times per day. Although this species will browse on algae within the aquarium, its diet must be supplemented with frozen herbivore rations, green marine flake, Spirulina (blue-green algae), Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, Nori (dried seaweed) etc. It will also take meaty frozen foods such as Mysis, but be sure that it is receiving enough green food to help prevent HLLE. Adding a specially formulated vitamin supplement to any frozen foods will be beneficial.
This fish has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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