Mimic Tang
Acanthurus pyroferus
Synonyms | Acanthurus armiger, A. celebicus, A. fuscus, Hepatus celebicus, H. pyroferus, Rhombotides celebicus |
Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 29cm (11.4") |
Temperature | Tropical: 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Safe with most invertebrates. Occasional specimens may nip at LPS corals if underfed. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Mimic Tang is a solitary species known from lagoons and seaward reefs, where it may be observed over areas of mixed coral, rock, and sand, or underneath ledges, feeding on various algae. Depending on location, juveniles of this species display one of three different colour patterns, mimicking different Centropyge species. For instance, in Guam, juvenile fish mimic the Lemon Peel Angelfish (C. flavissimus), but where the Lemon Peel Angelfish is absent in Palau, the juvenile fish instead mimic the Halfblack Angelfish (C. vrolikii). A further colour form replicates that of Herald's Angelfish (C. heraldi). This relationship is Batesian, in that the juvenile tang avoids predation because it resembles the less-palatable angelfish. Adult Mimic Tangs are a dark brown/purplish black colour with an orange patch emanating from the pectoral fin base. A dark band covers the gill opening and arcs down to the chin, with a narrow white band encircling the mouth. The caudal fin is lunate and edged with yellow. Due to an active nature and moderate adult size, the Mimic Tang requires a good sized aquarium with vigorous filtration and plenty of water movement and oxygenation. These fish are generally safe in the reef aquarium, providing they are well fed. A mature tank is necessary to help ensure that your Mimic Tang settles in well; in particular these fish enjoy grazing upon filamentous algae growing upon the decor. Arrange the live rock to create a sloping reef, with plenty of boltholes for the fish, should they feel the need to dash for cover at any time. Keep only one per tank, and not with any other Acanthurus species or direct food competitors, as these fish can be highly territorial. In very large aquaria, it is possible to maintain these fish alongside Tangs of other genera such as Ctenochaetus, Naso, and Zebrasoma - but ideally they should be of a similar size and added simultaneously. However, personalities do vary between individuals, so observe your fish very carefully to ensure that there are no problems. It is not advisable to house this fish with the Centropyge angelfish that it mimics, as the tang is likely to show much aggression towards the angelfish. May also be seen on sale as Chocolate Tang, Halfblack Mimic Tang, Lemon Peel Mimic Tang, or Yellow Mimic Tang. The pictured fish is a juvenile A. pyroferus mimicking the Lemon Peel Angelfish.Feeding
Feed a varied diet for omnivores, with a large vegetable component, in small amounts several times per day. Although this species will browse on algae within the aquarium, its diet must be supplemented with frozen herbivore rations, green marine flake, Spirulina (blue-green algae), Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, Nori (dried seaweed) etc. It will also take meaty frozen foods such as Mysis, but be sure that it is receiving enough green food to help prevent HLLE. Adding a specially formulated vitamin supplement to any frozen foods will be beneficial.Breeding
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.Copyright
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