Gem Tang
Zebrasoma gemmatum

Synonyms | Acanthurus gemmatus |
Distribution | Western Indian Ocean |
Maximum Size | 22cm (8.7") |
Temperature | Tropical: 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Generally safe, if well fed. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Gem Tang is known from the rocky coral reefs of Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar, Reunion Island, and Mauritius at depths from 10-61m (33-200ft). This spectacular fish is only collected in low numbers and is rarely seen in the trade - as such, it commands a very hefty price tag when it does appear. The Gem Tang attains a reasonable size and is very active by nature, so a generously-sized aquarium is required to give it the swimming space it needs; specimens kept in smaller quarters can become very territorial. It is best to keep to just this one species of Zebrasoma in the same aquarium, as they don't tend to accept other members of the same genus. Other tangs from different genera (such as the Regal Tang or Lipstick Tang) with a visibly different appearance may be accepted if the fish are added simultaneously, but do observe very carefully. The tank should be mature with plenty of algal growth for these herbivores to browse. It is of utmost importance that these fish receive an appropriate diet consisting of a variety of greenfoods, in order to prevent Head & Lateral Line Erosion (HHLE) and fading of colour. As long as this fish is kept well fed, it should not pose any problems in a reef set up. Occasional specimens have been known to nip at stony corals, and even some soft corals, but this is not the norm. A decent current/highly oxygenated conditions will serve this fish well. Provide plenty of hiding/sleeping places amongst the rockwork, with an open swimming space along the front of the aquarium. May also be seen on sale as the Spotted Tang. Recommended for experienced aquarists only.
It is important that these fish receive an appropriate diet consisting of a quality staple dried food in order to prevent Head & Lateral Line Erosion (HHLE) and fading of colour. Feed a varied diet in small amounts several times a day, or use foods that allow a period of grazing. Although this species will browse on algae within the aquarium, its diet should be supplemented with herbivore rations, green marine flake, Spirulina (blue-green algae) based foods, Nori (dried seaweed) etc. It will also take small meaty frozen foods such as Mysis, but be sure that it is receiving enough green food to. Adding a specially formulated vitamin supplement to any frozen foods will be beneficial.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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