Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | Colonies up to 60cm (24") across, but usually smaller. |
Temperature | Tropical: 25-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.024-1.026, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef |
Lighting | Medium to bright |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Excellent |
The Cabbage Leather Coral is a robust, low-growing species that is found across a wide range of habitats, and is often the most commonly seen soft coral colonizing hard substrates in shallow water areas. This is thought to be because of their strong sclerites, which support them in areas of high turbulence, such as might be found in shallow zones near to the shore where there can be much water movement. Even though the colonies bear short, stout stalks with durable sclerites, the actual lobes have ruffled edges and are of a slightly droopy appearance - not unlike that of cabbage leaves - hence the common name. Cabbage Leather Coral isusually beige or brown in colour, but grey and green varieties are also known. The lobes are usually quite thick and leathery, and are not easily torn; numerous retractile autozooid polyps lining the very edges. This is a very hardy speciesfor the reef aquarium, and is recommended to the aquarist making their first venture in coral keeping, on the condition that a large aquarium is provided. Cabbage LeatherCoral is usually very tolerant of different light levels, although they will alwaysdo best under fairly bright illumination. They should, however, be sited in anarea that receives moderate to brisk water movement to ensure that their flatlobes are kept free of algae and general detritus. Some experimentation withpositioning may be necessary for maximum expansion and growth, and remember toallow plenty of room for the colony to grow. The only downside to this hardycoral is that it is considered a fairly competitive species and it may try toinhibit the growth of other corals in the aquarium - particularly stony corals- by releasing toxic substances known as terpenes. In particular, theseterpenes have been known to adversely affect some species of Acropora, Catalaphyllia, Euphyllia,Plerogyra, and Porites, so much caution is advised when considering combiningthese in the same aquarium that houses Cabbage Leather Corals. Nevertheless,such problems are more likely to become apparent in smaller volumes of water (yetanother reason to keep this species in a large aquarium) or where there is insufficientfiltration and protein skimming. From time to time, Cabbage Leather Corals willslough off a waxy layer as part of a cleansing process; be sure to observecarefully and if you see your coral beginning to shed this coating, be ready toremove as much as you can from the water before it disperses over the otheraquarium inhabitants. Supplements such as iodine should not be necessary if smallwater changes are performed on a regular basis, replenishing trace elements.All in all, an attractive and unfussy coral that is well suited to beginners.
Zooxanthellate. However, ifkept under lighting that is not too bright, it will benefit from supplementaltarget feeding with small particulate material such as phytoplankton, marinesnow, and occasionally newly hatched baby brineshrimp.
In the wild, Cabbage LeatherCorals reproduce in several different ways: fragmentation, branch dropping, orfission. These corals should propagate without assistance when kept under goodconditions, but they can also be very easily fragged if desired.
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