Synonyms | Pagurus elegans, Pagurus decorus, Pagurus fasciatus. |
Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 5cm |
Temperature | 22-29C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | May attack snails |
Lighting | Will benefit from increased algal growth fuelled by bright lighting |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Generally safe but clumsy |
Found in the intertidal zone of its home range, the environmental extremes encountered in this habitat make these crabs very hardy and adaptable.
Electric blue hermits are not fussy eaters and happily consume a range of microalgae and detritus, making them popular caretakers for marine aquaria. Generally trustworthy with corals, hermits may require feeding in tanks which are too clean to provide quality foraging. As with any of these crabs, they need access to empty shells as they outgrow their accommodation and in the absence of these, any suitably-sized snails will be at risk. Although not deliberately destructive, their clumsiness might dislodge coral frags as they clamber about the aquarium. Do not use copper treatments with this species.
May also be seen as Blue-knuckled hermit crab or Blue-lined/banded hermit. Animals from Hawaii have orange bands but are unlikely to be seen in stores.
Will relish algae-based foods such as wafers or grazing products. Scavenges on most aquarium fare such as brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped prawns/mussel meat etc, along with seaweed and various types of algae including Cyanobacteria.
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