Sunrise Dottyback
Pseudochromis flavivertex
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Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden |
Maximum Size | 8cm (3.1") |
Temperature | Tropical: 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Will eat small ornamental crustaceans. |
Sexual Dimorphism | There are no obvious sexual differences. Like other dottybacks, these fish are protogynous hermaphrodites, which means they are born female and can change sex to become male (but not back again). A mature male may be larger and slightly more intensely coloured, and the unpaired fins may be marginally longer, when compared to a female. |
The Sunrise Dottyback is usually found around the bases of small rocks and coral heads over sandy substrates at depths between 2 and 30 meters. This charming little fish is one of the least aggressive of the dotty back species, and it makes a wonderful addition to reef aquaria where no small ornamental crustaceans are present. Be aware that adults will eat small shrimp, but they will also prey on many invertebrate pests; small fireworms are consumed with relish. The aquarium must be mature and should include ample rockwork, arranged so that there is an abundance of small caves, crevices, channels, and overhangs that provide safe, shady retreats for this species. Sunrise Dottybacks generally mix well with other community-type reef inhabitants, but occasional specimens can be a little territorial (although this is more likely to occur in smaller aquaria where space/hiding places are at a premium). Nevertheless, they should be one of the last species introduced to the tank. Do not house with any large, aggressive species, as the dotty back will be very easily intimidated and may refuse to come out and feed, leading to starvation. If the aquarium is very spacious and has plenty of visual barriers amongst the decor, more than one specimen may be kept together if of the same size and introduced simultaneously. However, if the system is on the smaller side, it really is best to keep just one specimen and not with any easily bullied tankmates. It is essential that the tank has tight fitting cover slides, as Sunrise Dottybacks are expert jumpers. Tank-bred specimens are often available in the trade.
Offer a variety of small meaty foods such as Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, plankton, finely shaved krill/mussel/cockle/clam etc. Some specimens will take prepared foods such as marine flake and pellets. Feed small amounts several times per day. A varied, nutritious diet will help to maintain the wonderful colours of these fish.
This species has been bred in the home aquarium, but raising the young is challenging. When ready to spawn, the male fish will prepare a spawning site - usually a cave and will then lure the female into it, where hundreds of sticky eggs will be laid/fertilized. The male will guard and fan the eggs until they hatch, which is usually between 3 and 7 days, depending on water temperature. The tiny larvae initially feed off their yolk sacs but will require appropriately sized foodstuffs such as rotifers soon after. The larvae will undergo metamorphosis at around 24-28 days after hatching.
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