Synonyms | Anisochaetodon kleinii, Chaetodon bellulus, C. cingulatus, C. corallicola, C. flavescens, C.melammystax, C. melastomus, C. virescens |
Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 14cm (5.5") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Will eat many species of soft coral. However, well fed specimens have been kept successfully in reef environments containing only some of the more noxious soft corals. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
In the wild, Sunburst Butterflyfish live amongst deep channels, lagoons, and seaward reefs. They are usually found singly or in pairs and are often observed feeding on soft coral polyps such as Litophyton viridis andSarcophyton tracheliophorum. They also browse various algae and take zooplankton from the water column. This hardy species can be kept successfully in reef aquaria, providing it is kept well-fed and is housed only with some of the more noxious soft corals that will not be too palatable. The Sunburst Butterflyfish is considered one of the most durable members of the butterflyfish family, and in larger aquaria, it can be kept alongside other fairly peaceable butterflyfish and even members of its own kind, if they are introduced simultaneously. Ideally, tankmates should be fairly peaceful, although they can be housed with moderately aggressive species as long as it is introduced to the aquarium before they are, provided there are plenty of visual barriers amongst the decor. This fish does best in immature aquaria containing plenty of live rock for the fish to browse on and forage amongst. As with all butterflyfishes, this species demands excellent water quality - thoroughly filtered and well-oxygenated, with areas of decent current. May also be seen on sale as Blacklip Butterflyfish or Klein's Butterflyfish.
Omnivorous. Offer a varied diet including Mysis, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, Angel & Butterfly mix, finely chopped krill, prawns, clam etc., plus some green foods. Feed small amounts several times per day.
This species has not been bred in captivity. In the wild, these fish form distinct pairs and scatter their eggs in open water.
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