Synonyms | Chaetodon aurora, C. ulietensis confluens |
Distribution | Indo-Pacific |
Maximum Size | 15cm (5.9") |
Temperature | Tropical: 23-27°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Fish only with live rock |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Not recommended. Will pick on anemones, mushroom corals, stony corals, tubeworms, and other small invertebrates. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Double Saddle Butterflyfish is known from coral-rich areas of lagoons and seaward reefs, to depths of 30m (98ft). Juvenile fish tend to congregate in harbours and estuaries, whereas adults occur singly, in pairs, or small groups out on the reefs, where they feed on small invertebrates and plant material. Double Saddle Butterflyfish are relatively hardy aquarium fish, but they do require a mature system. Whilst they can be a little shy when first introduced, providing them with ample retreats amongst the live rock will ensure they quickly gain confidence and venture out into the open. Once settled, these peaceful fish actually become very assertive feeders and will compete with most other fish species. Smaller specimens do tend to acclimatise better to aquarium life, quickly adapting to various prepared foods. In larger quarters, multiple specimens may be kept together, providing all specimens are introduced simultaneously; in such spacious aquaria, they will also usually tolerate the presence of other peaceful butterflyfish (again, introduce them simultaneously). As mentioned previously, the tank should contain an abundance of rockwork for the fish to hide amongst, with an open swimming area along the front of the aquarium. As with all butterflyfishes, this species demands excellent water quality - thoroughly filtered and well oxygenated, with areas of brisk current. The Double Saddle Butterflyfish may be mistaken for the similar-looking Falcula Butterflyfish (C. falcula) from the Indian Ocean, an altogether much more boisterous species. May also be seen on sale as the False Falcula Butterflyfish, Pacific Double Saddle Butterflyfish, Oval Spot Butterflyfish, or Sickle Butterflyfish.
Feed small amounts several times per day, and be sure to offer a good variety of different foods. Frozen fare such as Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, finely chopped clam/mussel/cockle/crab/shrimp/squid etc. can be proffered, but - most importantly " do ensure that the larger foodstuffs are chopped into small enough pieces on account of butterflyfish having tiny mouths.
This species has not been bred in captivity. In the wild, these fish form distinct pairs and scatter their eggs in open water.
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