Synonyms | Elacatinus multifasciatus, Elacatinus multifasciatum, Gobiosoma multifasciatum |
Distribution | Tropical Western Atlantic. |
Maximum Size | 5cm (2") |
Temperature | Tropical: 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Excellent |
Sexual Dimorphism | Protogynous. Males are larger than females |
The Christmas Goby is known from the tropical Western Atlantic, from the Bahamas to northern South America, where it inhabits tidal zones and shallow limestone reefs often in association with urchins. Like most 'Nano gobies' this is a charismatic fish that makes a wonderful addition to the reef aquarium. As the largest individual in a group will become male, putting pairs or groups together normally results in spawning. Selecting specimens with a size difference will help new groups resolve dynamics with minimal violence. With regards to compatibility, these fishes are ideal for community reef aquaria and will generally ignore other species that don't intrude on their favoured hiding spots. Members of this genus are known to exhibit cleaning behaviour in the wild and this may be seen in captivity. As these fish are for life and not just for Christmas, they may also be seen labelled as Green Banded Goby.
Will consume a wide range of suitable dried foods and frozen fare including Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, finely shaved krill/prawns etc. Feed small amounts 3 times per day.
Christmas Gobies have been bred successfully both on a commercial basis and in the home aquarium. Demersal eggs will be laid in a hidden cave and cared for by the parents. The larvae can be fed on zooplankton and small rotifers, moving on to larger foodstuffs (such as baby brineshrimp) as they grow and metamorphose into small versions of the adults after approximately 30 days.
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For delivery before Christmas, orders must be placed on or before 3pm on Wednesday 20th December. We cannot guarantee delivery of these orders pre-Christmas as we are reliant on our couriers, but will use our best endeavours to get orders placed on this date out to you before Christmas. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here
Please note: online orders placed after 3pm on Friday 22nd December will not be dispatched until the New Year. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here