Blue Neon Goby
Elacatinus oceanops
Synonyms | Gobiosoma oceanops |
Distribution | Tropical Eastern Atlantic |
Maximum Size | 5cm (2") |
Temperature | Tropical: 22-28°C |
Water Parameters | SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4 |
Compatibility | Reef |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Reef Aquarium Compatibility | Excellent |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
The Blue Neon Goby is a charming little fish that makes a wonderful addition to the reef aquarium. In the wild,this hardy species is found amongst coral heads at depths up to 45 meters. Brightly colored and peaceful, Blue Neon Gobies also readily reproduce in captivity, which makes for a very interesting breeding project. Blue Neon Gobies are regularly observed servicing fish that have ectoparasites, helping to control diseases such as Lymphocystis and marine white spot. An advantage over most other cleaner fishes is that the Blue Neon Goby is not an "obligate cleaner" ( does not rely on cleaning/eating parasites for optimal health). As such, it will do just as well in a healthy aquarium where it is offered quality commercially prepared foodstuffs. This diminutive goby rarely shows aggression towards other species, although it will fight with members of its own kind, especially in smaller aquaria where space and territories are more limited. Large groups (7+) can be kept if the system is spacious; however smaller aquaria it is advisable to keep either a single specimen or a known mated pair. Although these gobies cannot be sexed externally, it is often fairly easy to pick out a compatible pair at your local aquarium store as they may have paired off and be resting very close to one another. With regards to compatibility, Blue Neon Gobies are ideal for community reef aquaria; they are also often purported to coexist with a number of unlikely large predators, which usually tend to leave the gobies alone on account of their known cleaning services. However, much caution is necessary as all fish vary in personality and temperament and there can be no guarantees when it comes to their safety with such tankmates present. Observe carefully and if in any doubt, do not add them to your aquarium. It is not advisable to add Blue Neon Gobies to an aquarium containing predatory crabs. These fish are often available as captive-bred specimens, which assists with the sustainability of wild populations.
Will consume a wide range of meaty fare including Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, finely shaved krill/prawns etc. Feed small amounts 3 times per day.
Blue Neon Gobies have been bred successfully both on a commercial basis and in the home aquarium. These fish always form distinct pairs when spawning. Demersal eggs will be laid on a variety of substrates/decor and cared for by the parents. If you wish to raise a larger number of fry, offer the pair a spawning medium such as a short section of small-diameter pvc pipe, and once the eggs have been laid/fertilised, the pipe and eggs can be carefully moved to a separate aquarium (with identical water conditions) where they will be safe from predation. You will need to ensure that the eggs are very gently aerated in the absence of the parent fish. The time it takes for the eggs to hatch will vary depending on water temperature and other factors, but on average this is usually around 8 days. The larvae can be fed on zooplankton and small rotifers,moving on to larger foodstuffs (such as baby brineshrimp) as they grow and metamorphose into small versions of the adults.
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