Gold Spotted Shrimp
Tenuipedium palaemonoides
Keep these shrimps away from predatory fish in a well-furnished aquarium. Intolerant of copper-based medication
Synonyms | Macrobrachium palaemonoides |
Distribution | Simeulue Island, located off the North-West coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. |
Maximum Size | 6cm (2.4") |
Temperature | 22-28°C |
Water Parameters | Neutral to slightly alkaline conditions. pH: 6.5-8.0, dH: up to 25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Specialist community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females grow larger than the males, and may also be seen carrying greenish coloured eggs. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
These elegant shrimps make for an interesting addition to peaceful, planted community aquaria. As with other shrimp species, Gold Spotted Shrimps are best maintained in good sized colonies; 6 would be considered the absolute minimum, and 10+ is better. Unlike other shrimps, this species often shoals in midwater, almost floating and dancing in the water column, and this makes for a fascinating display. The colouration is subtle, but very pretty under the right lighting. Ensure there are plenty of plants in the aquarium for the shrimps to rest upon, and that filtration is efficient but gentle. Tankmates should consist of small peaceful fish only. As these shrimps have very tiny claws, they should not be trusted with fry or small ornamental snails. This species used to be available under the old synonym Macrobrachium palaemonoides, and some suppliers may still use this name. They were moved into the genus Tenuipedium, which is derived from the Latin: tenuis (thin) and pedis (foot) in reference to the slender walking legs.
Omnivorous. This species will appreciate most foods that are added to the aquarium. Include small sinking pellets/granules/tablets and algae wafers, plus small meaty frozen foods such as bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, and vitamin-enriched brineshrimp. Known to eat small snails.
Unknown. Females have been seen carrying hundreds of small green eggs, however, it is speculated that eggs/larvae may require a brackish water development stage.
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