Red-tailed Black Shark
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
Keep this territorial fish singly or in groups in a larger well-furnished aquarium, alongside robust or significantly smaller fishes
Synonyms | Labeo bicolor |
Distribution | This species was endemic to Thailand, formerly inhabiting the Chao Phraya basin, but sadly is now thought to be close to extinction in the wild. All specimens in the trade are captive-bred. |
Maximum Size | 15cm (6") |
Temperature | 22-27°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-7.5, dH: up to 18 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with caution |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Special Requirements | Keep singly, or in large groups to spread aggression. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females are generally more fuller-bodied than males. Males sometimes have an extension to the dorsal fin. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
Native to rivers and streams that flood seasonally, this fish has disappeared in the wild thanks to pollution and habitat loss. In contrast, they've been popular aquarium fish for decades.
Red-tailed black sharks can be very territorial, and in a small aquarium they should be kept as a single specimen with no similar species. A far better way to keep these fish is as a large, rowdy group in a well-furnished set up in a similar way to some of the more boisterous barbs. Hiding places amongst rocky caves, bogwood and live plants will be very much appreciated. This primarily bottom-dwelling species mixes well with barbs, danios, rainbow fish and tetras, etc, that occupy a higher level in the tank. Despite their name, these are not predatory fish and will generally ignore small tankmates. Although it might seem surprising, considerably smaller companion species are more likely to be ignored as they don't illicit the same aggression. May look pale or washed-out in your dealers" stock tanks, but will darken to a jet black once settled into the home aquarium. An albino variety is sometimes available.
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