Red Scissortail
Rasbora caudimaculata
These fish are liable to jump, keep in groups in a large, well-covered aquarium
Synonyms | Rasbora dorsimaculata |
Distribution | Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. |
Maximum Size | 18cm (7.1") |
Temperature | 21-26°C |
Water Parameters | Soft and slightly acidic is best long-term. pH: 5.5-7.0, dH: up to 12 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with no small fish |
Lighting | Dim/Medium |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature females fuller bodied. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
The Red Scissortail is known from a variety of tropical rainforest habitats including fast-flowing creeks and streams as well as sluggish backwaters associated with peat swamps. As these Rasboras can attain a modest size, and being fast-swimmers, they require a spacious aquarium "“ ideally 4ft long or larger. They should be kept in groups of at least 6 specimens due to their shoaling nature, larger groups making them feel much more secure. The aquarium itself should be mature and darkly furnished, including plenty of bogwood and hardy aquatic vegetation, both rooted and floating to create shady areas. The water should be soft and slightly acidic, well-filtered and oxygenated, and with moderate current. Frequent partial water changes are a must for these fish, as they can be very sensitive to elevated nitrate levels. Red Scissortails are a peaceful species, but due to their adult size, they should not be trusted with tiny fish or fry. Long-finned tankmates are also best avoided. They would make great companions to many similarly sized bottom-dwelling loaches and catfish, as well as Crossocheilus, Garra, and some of the larger danionins or medium sized barbs. Ensure that the aquarium has tight fitting coverslides, as these fish are expert jumpers. May also be seen on sale as the Greater Scissortail Rasbora.
Flake, micropellets, slow-sinking granules, frozen foods such as bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp etc.
There are no reports of this egg-scattering species having been bred in the home aquarium. It would make an excellent breeding project for the dedicated hobbyist.
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