Rainbow Shiner
Hydrophlox chrosomus
These fish of fast-moving water need a well-filtered, well maintained aquarium with high oxygen levels. Needs a cool winter rest
Synonyms | Hybopsis chrosomus, Notropis chrosomus |
Distribution | North America |
Maximum Size | 9cm |
Temperature | 10-22°C. |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.8-7.8, dH: up to 25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Specialist community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Males in breeding condition will undergo dramatic colour change and display much more vibrancy compared to the females. Mature females fuller bodied. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
The Rainbow Shiner is known from a variety of temperate fast-flowing habitats, including small rivers, springs, clear streams, creeks, and riffles. This is a peaceful shoaling species, which is best kept in groups of 6 or more. The aquarium should be spacious, mature, and well filtered. Be sure to provide the fish with plenty of hiding places (rocks, bogwood, robust planting) and a decent current from additional powerheads. The higher the temperature of the water, the greater the level of oxygenation that is required. Rainbow Shiners are primarily a mid to top dwelling species, and they would mix well with other fish of similar size and temperament and which enjoy the same fast-flowing conditions. Good tankmates could include some of the torpedo shaped nemacheilid loaches such as Schistura, Nemacheilus, and Mesonoemacheilus which will occupy the lower levels of the aquarium; some of the sub tropical botiid loaches would work well too, e.g. Sinibotia pulchra and Ambastaia nigrolineata; and also Weather loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) would mix well, providing that the tank is large enough to accommodate these inquisitive bottom dwellers, which can attain 20cm (10"). Rhinogobius sp. gobies also make great companions. Although the Rainbow Shiner is generally a peaceable species, long-finned tankmates are best avoided.
Flake, micro granules, small frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, daphnia, and vitamin-enriched brineshrimp.
In the wild, Rainbow Shiners spawn during late spring/early summer. This species breeds quite readily in the home aquarium, and may be triggered by slightly raising the water temperature. Males in breeding condition will undergo a dramatic colour change, the head, back, and bases of the fins turn metallic purple/blue, with a silver stripe running along each side of the body. The males also become very territorial and defend their nests made in the gravel substrate/rock pile. The parent fish will predate on the eggs, so they are best moved to another aquarium once spawning has ceased. Although largely temperature dependent, the eggs should hatch in around a week.
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