Green Barb
Barbodes semifasciolatus
A hardy shoaling fish which can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. An excellent choice for unheated aquaria
Synonyms | Barbus hainani, Barbus semifasciolatus, Capoeta semifasciolata, Puntius semifasciolata, P. semifasciolatus |
Distribution | South west China, Laos, Taiwan, Vietnam. Introduced to Singapore and Hawaii. |
Maximum Size | 10cm (4") |
Temperature | 18-24°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-8.0, dH: up to 20 degrees. |
Compatibility | Specialist community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Special Requirements | Prefers cooler than average temperatures! |
Sexual Dimorphism | In mature fish, females are fuller bodied, and males develop red colouration on the belly. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
The Green Barb is a hardy, peaceful species which should be maintained in groups of 6 or more due its shoaling nature. Ideally the aquarium should be planted at the back and sides with an open swimming area in the centre. Green Barbs will nibble at fine-leaved and soft-leaved plants, so choose plant species that are more robust, or else those that grow quickly. This species prefers temperatures at the lower end of the tropical range, so ensure that other tankmates have the same needs. The water should be well-filtered with a decent level of oxygenation and areas of moderate current. May also be seen on sale as the Chinese Barb. This stunning original wild form of B. semifasciolatus is, regrettably, seldom seen in the trade, but a selectively bred golden form of this species is widely available and may be seen on sale as the Gold Barb.
Flake, green flake, micropellets, small frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, daphnia etc. Will nibble at certain types of algae, and some aquatic plants.
A separate breeding aquarium should be set up for this purpose, and you should ensure that it is of good length as the spawning of Green Barbs can be a very active affair. The tank should be furnished with several large clumps of Java moss for the female to scatter her eggs over. Spawning is often triggered by a slight temperature rise and when the first rays of morning light hit the aquarium. The male will vigorously drive the female back and forth over the top of the plants, where she will scatter her eggs and they will be simultaneously fertilised by the male. Most of the eggs should fall to the relative safety of the moss, but be sure to remove the hungry parents as soon as spawning has finished as they will otherwise begin hunting out the eggs. The eggs will hatch within 24-36 hours.
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