Double Orange Spot Torpedo 'Rasbora'
Pectenocypris korthausae
A rare gem best kept as a group in a well-furnished softwater aquarium
Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Sumatra and southern Borneo |
Maximum Size | 4.5cm (1.8") |
Temperature | 24-27°C |
Water Parameters | Soft, acidic conditions are essential (peat filtration suggested). pH: 4.0-6.5, dH: up to 8 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community |
Lighting | Medium |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature females are likely to appear fuller bodied. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
Double Orange Spot Torpedo 'Rasbora' is a peaceful shoaling species that should be maintained in groups of 6 or more. In the wild, this species inhabits small forest streams and peat swamps. A heavily planted tank would be ideal to showcase this species; their colours intensify when settled into a well-planted blackwater environment. These fish will occupy the mid to upper areas of the aquarium. Tankmates should be of similar size and temperament. Although not always immediately apparent in the confines of the dealer's tanks, these elongated fish display a beautiful orange area top and bottom of the caudal peduncle when settled, hence the common name. P. korthausae was exported in small numbers during 2010 but is now readily available in larger numbers from many Singapore-based suppliers. Also known as the "Mini Whale Rasbora".
Small frozen foods such as bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, cyclops, and daphnia; also flake/crisps and small sinking pellets/granules.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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