Borneo Redfin Silver Shark
Cyclocheilichthys janthochir
A good shoaling fish for the larger aquarium although liable to eat tender plants
Synonyms | Barbus janthochir, Systomus janthochir |
Distribution | Kapuas River Basin, West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. |
Maximum Size | 20cm (7.9") |
Temperature | 24-27°C |
Water Parameters | Soft and acidic. pH: 4.5-7.0, dH: up to 12 degrees (peat filtration suggested). |
Compatibility | Specialist community |
Lighting | Dim; although brighter lighting can be used if diffused by decor and planting. |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature females fuller bodied. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
The Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark is known from blackwater streams flowing through ancient peat swamps and tropical rainforests. Here, the water is very soft and acidic and oftentimes stained a tea-colour from the tannins released from decomposing organic matter, such as fallen branches and leaves. Although the Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark attains a moderate size, it is a timid, peaceful, shoaling species which should be maintained in groups of 6 or more in an appropriately sized aquarium; ideally at least 4ft long for juveniles, and 6ft+ for adults. The tank should be furnished with a soft sand substrate, plenty of driftwood, and areas of dense, hardy planting along the sides and back, including floating species to help diffuse the light. A large open swimming space should be left along the front of the aquarium. Powerful filtration and a decent level of oxygenation are a must, as are frequent partial water changes to keep nitrate at a minimum. The aquarium itself should be sited in a quiet location where it does not receive a large amount of foot traffic going past all the time - these are very skittish fish that are easily startled, so they must be provided with many shady hiding spots within the aquarium and some very tight fitting coverslides to prevent them from accidentally jumping out. Decor must be chosen with care as anything sharp can cause them injury whenever they decide to make a dash for cover. When cleaning the aquarium, much care must be taken to ensure that the fish do not become too startled. Tankmates should be medium sized, peaceful, and enjoy the same soft, acidic conditions e.g. some of the medium sized members of the Barb family, Crossocheilus sp., medium sized botiid loaches, large Rasbora sp. etc. Do not house with any aggressive fish that will intimidate the sharks into hiding and prevent them from feeding. Rarely seen in the trade.
Frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp. Larger specimens will eat krill, finely chopped prawns etc. May also take good quality flake and slow-sinking pellet foods.
This species has not been bred in the home aquarium.
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