Arulius Barb
Dawkinsia tambraparniei
Best kept as a group in a spacious aquarium. Colours improve with age and are best when both sexes are present
Synonyms | Puntius arulius tambraparniei, P. tambraparniei |
Distribution | Tambraparni River basin, India. |
Maximum Size | 15cm (5.9") |
Temperature | 18-25°C |
Water Parameters | Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-7.5, dH: up to 15 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community with no long-finned fish |
Lighting | Medium |
Special Requirements | High O2 level and large aquarium required! |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature males more colourful and develop long filaments on the dorsal fin & tubercles on the head area. Females fuller bodied. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
The Arulius Barb, Dawkinsia tambraparnei, is known from a variety of highly-oxygenated, riverine habitats within the Tambraparni River Basin, Tamil Nadu, southern India. Annual monsoons cause a significant increase in water depth, flow, and turbidity. Arulius Barbs make a stunning addition to the larger aquarium. Active, relatively peaceful towards fish of a similar size, and of a striking appearance when mature, this is a species well worth looking out for if you have a spacious tank (5ft+). They are a shoaling species and are best maintained in groups of at least 6 specimens, and preferably more. The aquarium should be well-filtered with a decent level of oxygenation and areas of fast current. Frequent partial water changes should be carried out to keep nitrate levels at a minimum. Arulius Barbs appreciate some shady planted areas, but because of their appetite for all things green and leafy, only the more robust plant species (Java fern, Anubias sp. etc) should be chosen. Most other plants will end up on their menu! These fish make great companions for larger species of botiid loaches. Not to be kept with small fish or fancy long-finned species. Males will occasionally argue amongst themselves, but no real harm should ensue. The common name of this species is quite misleading. For years, this species was traded under the 'Arulius Barb (Dawkinsia arulius)' nametag, before it was discovered, that actually, it was not D. arulius, but D. tambraparniei. The real D. arulius, it seems, is very rarely exported. However, the erroneous 'Arulius Barb' common name has well and truly stuck both in the trade and in aquarium literature, hence why we still refer to it as such here.
Flake, green flake, slow-sinking pellet foods, cucumber, spinach, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped prawns. Will avidly consume all but the most robust aquatic plants.
The breeding aquarium should be at least 4ft long, as spawning is a very active affair and the males drive the females quickly through the plant cover. The water should be soft and acidic, with the temperature set at 25 °C. As with the main aquarium, the breeding tank should be very well oxygenated. Spawning often commences when the first rays of morning sunlight hit the aquarium glass, and can continue for some time. Eggs will be scattered over the plants and décor, and once spawning has ceased, the hungry parent fish will need to be removed quickly to prevent predation. For this reason, many aquarists have had much success in using a substrate of marbles in order to ensure a higher brood survival rate. The eggs should hatch within 48 hours and once the fry are free-swimming, they can be offered microworms and finely powdered flake.
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