Pearl Cichlid
Geophagus brasiliensis
Keep these territorial cichlids in a large aquarium with robust tankmates
Synonyms | Acara gymnopoma, A. minuta, Chromis brasiliensis, Chromys unimaculata |
Distribution | Brazil and Uruguay. |
Maximum Size | 28cm (11") |
Temperature | 18-26°C |
Water Parameters | Soft and slightly acidic. pH: 6.0-7.2, dH: up to 15 degrees. |
Compatibility | Non-community |
Lighting | Dim-medium |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature males are much larger, with dominant males also displaying a nuchal hump. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, cichlid pellets and frozen foods |
The Pearl Cichlid is known from eastern and southern Brazil and Uruguay. Here it inhabits the lower reaches of coastal rivers that drain into the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its current scientific classification, this cichlid does not actually have all that much in common with the true eartheaters, and it's very likely that it will be moved from the Geophagus genus at some point. The aquarium should be spacious, with a soft sand substrate as these fish like to sift through the substrate at times in their search for food items. Provide plenty of hiding places amongst tangles of driftwood, rocky caves, and robust planting cultivated on the decor (such as Anubias sp. or Java Fern). Vegetation planted into the substrate is likely to be dug up, so is best avoided. Filtration should be efficient with areas of moderate water movement and some calmer resting spots out of the current. Frequent partial water changes will help keep nitrate to a minimum, particularly important as this species is sensitive to deteriorating water conditions. Pearl Cichlids are best described as semi-aggressive and should be maintained singly or as a compatible pair. Male fish will show much territorial hostility towards other males, particularly when ready to spawn. Tankmates should be chosen with care, avoiding small fish; ideal companions could include other South American cichlids of similar size and temperament, medium-large sized characins, Loricariids (suckermouth catfish), and large Brochis catfish. May also be seen on sale as the Pearl Eartheater.
Omnivorous and will accept most aquarium foods offered. Try to keep it varied with good quality carnivore and herbivore flakes, sinking pellets/sticks, and a mixture of frozen foods such as white mosquito larvae, bloodworm, vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, Mysis, and chopped krill/prawns.
Bi-parental substrate spawner, which has been bred in the home aquarium. When ready to spawn, the pair will clean a suitable spawning site, usually a flat rock or inside a cave. Several hundred eggs will be deposited/fertilised, and these should hatch within 3-4 days. The female takes care of the eggs/wrigglers, whilst the male defends the perimeter. The young should be free-swimming some 5-6 days post hatching and can be offered baby brineshrimp (Artemia nauplii).
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