Nudiceps Dwarf Cichlid
Nanochromis parilus
Keep in pairs in a well-furnished aquarium, best in softwater with low nitrates. Territorial when breeding
Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo. |
Maximum Size | 10cm (3.9") |
Temperature | 22-25°C |
Water Parameters | Soft and slightly acidic. pH: 6.0-7.0, dH: up to 8 degrees. |
Compatibility | Specialist community |
Lighting | Dim-medium (brighter lighting can be diffused with plants). |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature males larger and with extended finnage. Females in breeding condition more colourful with violet tinged, rounded bellies. |
Feeding | Flake, granules and frozen foods |
Nanochromis parilus is known from the lower Congo River rapids. However, despite the location, this semi-rheophilic species prefers the slower-flowing waters along the heavily vegetated banks where it is found in large numbers, feeding on crustaceans, insects, and worms. These fish are best maintained in a mature aquarium with soft to neutral conditions. Ideally, provide them with a soft sand substrate (as they like to dig) and plenty of shady hiding spots amongst driftwood, caves, and areas of dense planting. There is a risk of plants being uprooted, so opt for species such as Java Fern and Anubias which can be tied on to the decor. Floating plants can also be used to help diffuse the light. Filtration should be efficient, with good oxygenation and areas of moderate water movement along with quieter resting spots out of the current. Frequent partial water changes should be carried out on a regular basis to keep nitrate at a minimum. N. parilus tends to be aggressive with conspecifics, so is best maintained as a male-female pair. It is generally peaceful towards other species and good tankmates could include small-medium sized African tetras and barbs. The 'real' Nudiceps Dwarf Cichlid, N. nudiceps, is very rarely exported; indeed, the vast majority of fish exported under that name are usually N. parilus. This fish may also be seen on sale as Congo Dwarf Cichlid.
Offer a variety of frozen foods such as vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, white mosquito larvae, bloodworm, Mysis, daphnia, and various dried foods such as flake, green flake, crisps, slow sinking granules/pellets etc.
This bi-parental cave spawner has been bred in the home aquarium, although it is moderately difficult. In order for this species to breed, the water must be soft and acidic (pH <6.5), with the temperature set to the high end of the preferred range. When ready to spawn, the colours of the fish will intensify. The male will then pursue the female quite aggressively, so it is important to provide plenty of visual barriers within the tank. If receptive, the female will arch her belly towards the male in a quivering motion, and both fish will mouth at each other. The pair will excavate a cave underneath a piece of decor, where the eggs will be deposited/fertilised. It is the female fish that tends to the eggs, whilst the male defends the general perimeter. The eggs (which may number from 80-250) should hatch within 48-72 hours, with the young becoming free-swimming after a further week. The fry will be large enough to take baby brineshrimp (Artemia nauplii) and microworm as soon as they are free-swimming. The parent fish will look after the young for around 4 weeks, after which time they may spawn again. It should be noted that the fry are very sensitive to swings in water chemistry and it is important that the soft, acidic conditions are kept stable.
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