Marksmith's Julie
Julidochromis marksmithi

Synonyms | Julidochromis regani 'Kipili' |
Distribution | Kipili region of Lake Tanganyika, on the Tanzanian coast. |
Maximum Size | 12cm (5") |
Temperature | 23-25°C |
Water Parameters | Hard, alkaline conditions essential. pH: 8.0-9.0, dH: 15-25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Tanganyikan cichlid community |
Lighting | No special requirements |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females grow larger than males. |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
The recently described Marksmith's Julie was previously known as J. regani Kipili, in reference to it's distribution in Lake Tanganyika. According to Ad Konings, more yellow types of Julidochromis such as this are found in more open, sandy habitat although always associated with rocks. Here, their territories tend to be centred around cracks or fissures in the rocks and rubble. The natural diet consists primarily of small crustaceans, insect larvae, and molluscs picked from the algae-encrusted substrate, and occasionally, drifting plankton. The aquarium that houses this species should be at least 4ft long, with a good amount of filtration, water movement and oxygenation. Rocks should be used to create small outcrops and plenty of caves/crevices, ensuring that there are ample broken lines-of-sight.
Allowing these fishes to select their own mates as part of a group will produce the most compatible pairs, often these can be chosen by observing a batch of fish in the store's stock tank. These cichlids can be maintained as part of a Tanganyikan community with species that occupy different niches, such as shelldwellers or sardine cichlids. However, do not mix them with other Julidochromis species. Tanganyikan cichlids are intolerant of poor water conditions, so ensure small partial water changes are carried out on a frequent basis.
Omnivorous. Offer a good quality flake/green flake, slow-sinking pellets/granules, and small meaty frozen foods such as vitamin/Spirulina-enriched brineshrimp, daphnia, Mysis shrimp, mosquito larvae etc, along with some fresh vegetable matter.
The bond these fish form when breeding is strong and is retained during brood care and subsequent spawns. The pair will choose a suitable crevice as a spawning site, and when ready, the female will deposit her eggs (averaging 30-50) on the sides/roof of the cave, the male immediately swimming over them and fertilising with his sperm.
It is not always obvious when these fish have spawned, as oftentimes they are very secretive and the cave may be hidden from view. Once spawning has finished, the female will tend to the eggs, with the male fish guarding the perimeter of the cave. The eggs should hatch within 2-3 days (temperature dependent), with the fry becoming free swimming a few days later. The young can be started off on a diet of freshly hatched brineshrimp (Artemia nauplii) and finely powdered "˜first foods"™. Brood care is fairly prolonged, and the immature offspring may then help in guarding the subsequent generation of fry, coexisting within the same aquarium and forming a nuclear family. The cycle continues as the adults spawn again, and it is possible to have several generations living together if the tank is large enough. However, if the aquarium is on the smaller side, and there becomes a shortage of territories, it may be best to rehome the eldest fry once they reach around 2.5cm/1" in size, for their own safety.
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