Central American Cichlids
A familiar group of fishes, these include borderline community species such as Firemouths, as well as beloved thugs Read More
A familiar group of fishes, these include borderline community species such as Firemouths, as well as beloved thugs such as Flowerhorns and Jaguar cichlids which make demanding but rewarding wet pets with huge personalities.
Unlike their South American/Amazonian relatives, Central American cichlids often come from regions rich in limestone, being at home in water that’s often harder than Malawi or Tanganyika and may be prone to illness when kept in water with low carbonate hardness. Tankmates must be chosen with care, as although many of the less predatory species live alongside livebearers such as Swordtails in the wild, they will be very hard on any fishes unable to escape their chosen breeding territory while guarding eggs or fry. Aquarium size makes a huge difference to the compatibility of these fish and given adequate space, non-cichlid tankmates are mostly ignored and even welcomed as dither fish. When their aquarium is smaller than their chosen spawning territory, expect to have to intervene to avoid serious damage to any fish housed alongside the breeding pair. Companions that flee rather than fight are often the best choice when attempting to keep anything else alongside the most aggressive members of this group.
The existence of Flowerhorns and Parrots is evidence that these fishes readily hybridise, and this can lead to problems identifying individuals of unknown origin.
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