Blue-eyed Redfin Plec L137
Hypostomus soniae
This algae-eating fish needs a well-maintained aquarium and access to bogwood to thrive.
This algae-eating fish needs a well-maintained aquarium and access to bogwood to thrive.
Synonyms | Cochliodon soniae |
Distribution | Brazil: Rio Tapajos |
Maximum Size | 15cm Larger specimens reported |
Temperature | 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | pH: 6.5-7.2, KH: up to 18 degrees. |
Compatibility | Community |
Sexual Dimorphism | In related fish, adult males possess slightly longer pectoral fins, with thickened first rays. Gravid females appear wider when viewed from above. |
Feeding | Algae wafers, catfish pellets, granules, flake and frozen foods |
This blue-eyed beauty is known from temporary pools and sections of the Rio Tapajos, on rocky and soft substrates.
An L number that earns its keep controlling algae, this species grows to a significant size and will require a spacious, mature aquarium - ideally with soft, acidic water. Provide plenty of shady retreats amongst bogwood and sturdy rocky caves, ensuring all decor is secure as larger specimens can be a little clumsy at times. The water should be very well-filtered (adult fish produce a substantial amount of waste) and a moderate current/good level of oxygenation should be created by extra powerheads in order to simulate their natural riverine conditions. Ensure regular partial water changes are carried out to help keep nitrogenous wastes to a minimum. This species is generally peaceful, although it can be rather territorial with its own kind and similar species. More than one specimen may be kept in the same tank if it is spacious and multiple hiding places/visual barriers are provided. This plec mixes well with medium sized characins, some of the more robust Corydoras catfish species, and many less-aggressive cichlids.
A member of the Cochliodon group of high-backed Hypostomus. May also be seen on sale as Blue-eyed Rusty Plec.
Xylophagus (a wood-eater) so requires access to wood on an ongoing basis. In addition, offer a variety of different foodstuffs containing a good proportion of vegetable matter. Courgette, cucumber, kale, lettuce, potato, pumpkin, squash, spinach, sweet potato etc should all be enthusiastically consumed, and these can be supplemented with sinking wafers/tablets, and the odd treat of meaty frozen foods such as bloodworm and chopped prawns.
This species has not yet been bred in the home aquarium.
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