Topaz Puffer
Dichotomyctere fluviatilis
This snail-eating brackish-water fish is a real character but as with all puffers, some individuals may nip inappropriate tankmates
Synonyms | Tetraodon fluviatilis, Arothron dorsovittatus, Chelonodon fluviatilis, Dichotomyctere fluviatilis, Dichotomycterus rangoonensis, D. rangoonensis dorsovittatus, Tetraodon fluviatilis |
Distribution | Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. |
Maximum Size | 17cm (6.7") |
Temperature | 24-28°C |
Water Parameters | Brackish. Hard & alkaline. pH: 7.2-8.2, dH: 12-25 degrees. |
Compatibility | Non-Community |
Lighting | Dim-medium (brighter lighting can be diffused with robust planting). |
Sexual Dimorphism | Unknown |
Feeding | Frozen and live foods |
The Topaz Puffer has a widespread distribution throughout much of South and South-east Asia. Here, this species inhabits the lower reaches of rivers and estuaries where the water is usually brackish, and it is most commonly found in the shady, marginal areas. There is some debate as to whether this species is best maintained in fresh, brackish or marine water long-term, and we believe that brackish conditions result in healthier, longer-lived Topaz Puffers. Always use marine salt (i.e. that intended for use in saltwater aquaria), test regularly with a hydrometer, and acclimatise the fish very slowly and carefully. Whilst juveniles can be fairly sociable with each other, adult fish are very intolerant of their own kind within the confines of the same aquarium, so each individual should be maintained as a solitary specimen in a species-only tank. In the wild, these puffers feed on small fish and fish scales/fins (in addition to molluscs and some plant matter) so keeping with tankmates, even fast-swimming ones, is a risk. The tank should be spacious and furnished with plenty of rocks, driftwood, and robust plants to create shady hiding places, whilst still maintaining ample swimming space for this active fish. A substrate of aragonite or crushed coral can be used to help maintain a stable alkaline pH. Filtration should be efficient with areas of moderate water movement and some calmer resting spots out of the current. Regular partial water changes are a must to help keep nitrate to a minimum, as these fish are particularly sensitive to the build up of pollutants. As with other puffer species, these fish can inflate when frightened or cornered. They should never be provoked into doing so, and never above water where they can take on air, which can prove fatal. If moving a Topaz Puffer to different quarters, the fish should be herded into a solid container under the water so as to remove the necessity of netting and lifting them clear of the water. May also be seen on sale as the Green Puffer, but is not to be confused with the Green Spotted Puffer (T. nigroviridis).
Small meaty frozen foods: Mysis shrimp, mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, chopped krill/prawns, cockle & mussel meat. Should be encouraged to "˜bite out"™ partially opened cockle-in-shell in order to help keep the beak in check. Larger specimens will enjoy feeding on crab legs, lobster, crayfish etc. Regular feeding of your own cultivated small aquatic snails (which will breed readily in a separate small tank) is also advised. Will not take dried foods.
The spawning of this species in the home aquarium is rare. Following a courtship ritual, it is said that up to 200 eggs are deposited on a hard, flat surface, and subsequently guarded by the male.
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